A to Z
A to Z of services in Flintshire
Abandoned Vehicles
A vehicle may be treated as abandoned if it has been left in an area for a period of time or has no registered keeper.
About Our Trainees
As a Flintshire Trainee you learn on the job, building up knowledge and skills, achieving qualifications and earning money, all at the same time.
About us
Flintshire provides local public services for 156,100 people who live in 69,729 households
About Us
Information about early years, childcare and partnership support for prospective parents or families with children from birth to 7 years.
Accessibility page explaining how Flintshire is committed to meeting the accessibility standards for website users.
Accessibility at the Polling Station
Everyone should be able to register and cast their vote without facing barriers. We attempt to make all our polling stations wheelchair accessible and can provide ramps where necessary.
Accessibility Statement for flintshire.gov.uk
Accessibility Statement for Flintshire County Council
Active Travel
The Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 requires all local authorities in Wales to continuously improve their active travel routes and plan how routes will join up to form networks so that people can more easily get around by cycle or as a pedestrian for their everyday journeys to work, school and other local destinations.
Activities and Events Grant
The Town Centre Activities and Events Grant (TCAEG) has been established to support the prosperity of the town centres by organising events and activities that bring more people to the town centre.
Adopted Roads
Find out whether a road in Flintshire is adopted and therefore maintained by the Council as highway authority (or the Welsh Government in the case of a trunk road).
Adoption is a lifelong commitment and our children need permanent, stable and caring families.
Adult Community Learning
The North East Wales Adult Community Learning partnership is a joint venture between Flintshire County Council and Wrexham County Borough Council to provide the very best adult learning opportunities and outcomes in our communities.
Adult Safeguarding
Advice about adult safeguarding and useful contacts.
Afon Spa
Find out more on the Gwella website.
Agendas, Reports, Minutes and other Council and Democracy Information
Here you can find Your MP, MEP, Town/Community Council, Agendas, Reports, Minutes and other Council and Democracy information.
Alcohol Control PSPO
In 2017 Flintshire County Council introduced an Alcohol Control Public Space Protection Order in Flintshire
Information regarding allotments including locations.
There is a waiting list in place for our allotment sites.
Animal boarding establishments licence
If you run a boarding kennel or cattery, you need a licence
Annual Canvass 2024
The electoral department carries out an annual canvass and this year it is starting in September.
Annual Governance Statement
Find out more about the Annual Governance Statement.
Annual Performance Report
Find out more about the Annual Performance Report, read the latest report and view previous reports.
Anti social behaviour and nuisance
This page explains what Anti Social Behaviour is and who you can report it to
Application Process
How applications were submitted and the key criteria for consideration and eligibility.
Apply for it
Apply for Council Services online
Apply for Planning Permission
Visit our Planning department for guidance on how to apply for Planning Permission and further information.
Apply for Planning Permission
Apply online, download forms, view fees and advice on what to include.
Apply for Playscheme
Register here!
Apprenticeships in Flintshire
Apprenticeships in Flintshire
Approved Premises
Approved Premises for marriages and civil partnerships within Flintshire and how to apply.
Approved Premises
Approved Premises for marriages and civil partnerships within Flintshire.
Approved Projects
Information about the approved UK Shared Prosperity Fund projects and relevant contact details.
Archived minutes of meetings 1995 - 2009
Archived Minutes
Area Review Brynford and Lixwm
Proposal to Amalgamate Brynford Community Primary School and Lixwm Community Primary School to create one area school from 1 September 2019
Argoed Assets
The list of assets for Argoed
Armed Forces Covenant
Support and services for armed or ex-armed forces community and their families
Armed Forces Support
Useful links to regimental information.
Ash Dieback
Ash Dieback
Assets for Consideration
The list of assets below is put forward by Flintshire County Council to enable consideration and interest by local communities who may wish to express an interest in taking over the running, development and management of these assets in the future.
Assistance with Waste Collections
Our service is designed for anyone who is physically unable to move the wheelie bin to the kerbside for us to collect. We can arrange for an assisted collection on a temporary basis, or on a long-term basis depending on your circumstances.
Asylum Seeker FAQs
As of February 2024, the Council is preparing to welcome the first arrival of asylum seekers, including families, adult women and adult males, to the county.
It is hoped that these pages will bring together a range of information in to one place to signpost people to the right information and support.