Flintshire provides local public services for 156,100 people who live in 69,729 households.
With 6,113 staff we are the second largest employer in the County and provide services including, education, housing, leisure, libraries, planning, refuse collection, environmental health, recycling, roads, social services, trading standards, transport and tourism.
Flintshire has 78 schools (64 Primary, 11 Secondary, 2 Specialist, 1 PRU) attended by 23,716 pupils.
Social services support over 5000 adults and 2000 children each year.
Flintshire has seven libraries, ten sports and leisure centres (eight of these are managed by Gwella and two are Community Asset Transfers), three country parks and maintains 1174.8 km of County road.
Housing and Assets manage and maintain approximately 7312 council owned properties which includes 1460 sheltered properties.