Early Entitlement Funding Scheme, Flintshire
Early Entitlement Scheme, Flintshire
Early Years Workforce
Find out about the types of early years and childcare jobs and the qualifications and career progression available.
E-Billing Registration
E-billing is the new way to receive your bill. Instead of getting a traditional paper bill we will send your bill by e-mail.
ECO-Flex: Grant Towards Domestic Energy Efficiency Improvements
The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is a grant scheme allowing energy efficiency improvements for low income and vulnerable households. Disclaimer - Please note companies accessing ECO4 under the LA FLEX criteria should not be cold calling and should not claim to be working on behalf of or with Flintshire County Council.
Education Benefits
You can apply for and find information in relation to Uniform Grants and Free School Meals here. You can also find information about Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA), School Visits & Student Loans.
Education Fixed Penalty Notices
For unauthorised absence from school.
Guidance, advice & support relating to the E-Invoicing system.
Elected Members
Information relating to the Role of the Elected Members
Election Expenses
Election expenses means the money that candidates and political parties spend on items and services during an election campaign.
Election Results
Here you will find details on Election Results
Elections & Electoral Registration
Here you will find information about Elections and Electoral Registration.
Elections and Electoral Registration
Welcome to the Flintshire County Council website for candidates and agents interested in standing for election to either the County Council or Town and Community Councils in Flintshire.
Electoral Arrangements for Flintshire
The County Council is split into a number of electoral wards that Councillors represent. For the 2022 elections there will be new wards.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure
This is the initial phase of chargepoints in the County and represents the first step towards addressing the Council's Climate Change Strategy action: 'Ensure vehicle charging points are available at key areas across the county – rural and urban.'
Your Council is the new online, interactive e-magazine from Flintshire County Council. It replaces the newspaper Your Community, Your Council.
Flintshire E-Magazine Subscription
Emergency Planning
Emergency Planning
Employee Privacy Policy & Statement
In order to comply with its contractual, statutory, and management obligations and responsibilities, the Council is required to process personal data relating to its employees.
Employers Home Page
Employers Home Page
Employing Personal Assistants
Useful information on employing PAs with your Direct Payment in Flintshire
Employment Support for Veterans
We recognise that adjusting to civilian life after a career in the Armed Forces can be difficult. Here you will find lots of ways to make the transition easier.
Empowering Parents Empowering Communities
Parenting programmes run by parents, for parents. Find out all about our popular EPEC Being a Parent programmes.
Empty Homes
Find advice about the empty homes scheme
Ending Physical Punishment in Wales
21 March 2022 is a historic moment for children and their rights in Wales. From this day on, physically punishing children will be illegal in Wales.
Energy Bills Support Scheme
Energy Bills Support Scheme
Energy Saving
Find information about support currently available to Flintshire residents to help reduce energy usage/ utility bills, including contact details for the Domestic Energy team.
Engagement Groups
Find out about what groups are available in Flintshire.
E-Notifications Registration
E-Notifications are the new way to receive your Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction award letter. Instead of getting a traditional paper notification we will send your documents by e-mail.
Environmental Health
The Division aims to protect the environmental health of the people of Flintshire at work, at home and at leisure
E-Procurement for Suppliers
Guidance, advice & support relating to the new E-Procurement system.
Equality and Diversity
We are committed to the principles of fairness and equality both in service delivery and employment to ensure everyone can take a full active part in society.
Equality and Diversity
Flintshire County Council is an equal opportunities employer and provider of services and welcomes applications from all members of the community.
Equality Impact Assessments
We use the Equality Impact Assessment process to ensure that departments consider the effects on equality when making decisions.
Equipment and Adaptations to Support Independence
Reablement, Telecare and aids and adaptations are examples of early intervention services that help prevent people from becoming unnecessarily dependent upon others and requiring more intensive support.
Estyn Inspection Reports
Estyn is led by Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales and inspects quality and standards.
Events & firework safety
Advice and resources on staging an event safely.
Events Form
Events List
Flintshire Events
Excess Waste Enforcement
The Council's policy on excess waste that is presented alongside a black wheeled bin.
Explosives licence
A licence or registration is required to store explosives including fireworks kept for the purpose of sale
Extra Care Housing
Learn more about Flintshire County Council's extra care housing schemes
Extreme Weather
Protect yourself, your car and your household from the many hazards of winter weather, by thinking and planning ahead.