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Assistance with Waste Collections

Our assisted collection service for waste and recycling is designed for anyone who is physically unable to move their wheeled bin or recycling bags and containers to the kerbside or collection point on collection day.  

This means that our collection crews will collect your recycling and waste containers from a location on your property that has been agreed with you and put them back.  Collection crews will not go inside your property, and they will not sort your recycling items for you.

Assisted collections can be made on a temporary or long-term basis depending on your circumstances.

Assisted collections are only available to residents in genuine need of assistance, either through ill-health or disability and where there is nobody else who can help with getting the bins or containers to the kerbside or collection point on collection day.

An assisted collection will be provided upon request to:

  • Disabled residents who experience difficulties or residents who have a long term condition or illness making them physically unable to present waste and recycling containers kerbside and these circumstances are unlikely to change. 
  • Residents who have a temporary illness or following surgery which means that they are physically unable to move the waste and recycling containers to the kerbside for a period of time.

In all cases, confirmation and/or evidence of your circumstances may be required to support your application.

Arrange an assisted collection online

Once an assisted collection is approved, a suitable collection point on the property, where our crews can access, shall be agreed and collections will take place from this point. A risk assessment may be carried out prior to any collections at this agreed point. All containers will be returned to the agreed collection point by the collection crew once they have been emptied. The council reserves the right to withdraw the assisted waste collection arrangement from any property where the collection crew deems unsafe to collect from.

As the assisted collection service will be subject to an annual review in the future, we will contact you again in 12 months’ time to ask you to confirm that you wish to continue to receive the service and reapply for the service for a further 12 months.  Unless you wish to continue the service and reapply, you will be given 3 weeks’ notification that your assisted collection will be coming to an end and your property will no longer receive the service after this time.  If you still require the assisted collection service, please re-apply online.

If you don’t have access to the internet or online services, alternatively you can complete a paper application form at one of our local Connects Centres or via the telephone by calling our contact centre on 01352 701234.  If you no longer wish to receive the assisted collection service, please notify us through our Contact Centre by calling 01352 701234.