Find out more about the Annual Performance Report, read the latest report and view previous reports.
Welcome to Flintshire’s Annual Performance Report (APR). This document gives an overview of the performance of the Council during 2023/24 against the priorities set within our Council Plan (2023-28) and progress against our Well-being Objectives;
- Protecting people from poverty by supporting them to meet their basic needs
- Housing in Flintshire meeting the needs of our residents and supporting safer communities
- Limiting the impact of the Council’s services on the natural environment and supporting the wider communities of Flintshire to reduce their own carbon footprint
- Enabling a sustainable economic recovery and growth
- Supporting people in need to live as well as they can
- Enabling and Supporting Learning Communities
The Annual Performance Report also provides an overview of performance of the Council in relation to other key areas, including climate change and monitoring budget.
The report covers:
- Actual and comparative performance information.
- Our performance against the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, Five Ways of Working and our Own Well-being objectives.

Download the Annual Performance Report
You can download the Annual Performance Report for 2023-24 below.
Download the Annual Performance Report 2023-24
Previous Annual Performance Reports