A to Z of services in Flintshire
Oakenholt Recycling Centre
Find out more about Oakenholt Recycling Centre.
Occupational health form
Occupational health form
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Old Buckley Baths Feasibility Scoping Study
A study to understand the level of local interest and enthusiasm regarding the future of the Old Buckley Baths Building.
Older People's Engagement
A network of older people's groups and individuals provides the mechanism for obtaining their views and opinions on matters that are important to them.
Online and offline research and your privacy
Online and offline research and your privacy
Online Services
We offer many online services and here you will find information that will help you to access these services.
Open Doors
Out of Hours
How to contact the Council when our offices are closed and a genuine emergency has occurred.
Outdoor marriages and civil partnerships
Following an announcement by UK Government on Sunday 20 June, the Council is pleased to announce that from 1 July changes are being introduced to allow legal outdoor civil marriages and civil partnership registrations to take place within the grounds of approved premises.
Play development refers to the intentional and holistic approach of fostering a child's growth, learning, and well-being through various forms of play. It recognises the vital role that play plays in children's physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development.
Overview and Scrutiny
Overview and Scrutiny