Safe Routes in Communities Schemes 2019/20 - Public Consultation Maps
Public Consultation Maps
Safeguarding includes everything a Council can do to keep people safe, including minimising the risk of harm and accidents, taking action to tackle safety concerns and ensuring people grow up and live in safe circumstances.
Saltney Area Review
Saltney Area Review
Saltney Assets
The list of assets for Saltney
Saltney/Broughton Area
Early Engagement of Education Provision in the Saltney and Broughton Area
Sandycroft Recycling Centre
Find out more about Sandycroft Recycling Centre.
Scams - avoid or report them
Don't get scammed - get wise! How to avoid scams and identity theft
Scheduled Maintenance
Due to scheduled maintenance, no Flintshire digital services will be available from 6pm on Thursday 27th February 2025 until 8am on Monday 3rd March 2025.
Scheduled Maintenance
School Admissions
You can apply for a school place for your children here. Application dates vary depending on whether you are applying for nursery, reception or high school. You can also apply to change schools (for example, because of a house move) here.
School Bus Timetables
View school bus timetables in Flintshire
School Closures
List of Current School Closures
School Complaints
How to make a school complaint.
School Holidays & Training Days
School Holidays, Training Days & Bank Holidays.
School Holidays & Training Days
School Holidays, Training Days & Bank Holidays.
School Meals
Here at Flintshire we are committed to healthy eating and we work hard with schools to promote the health and welfare of pupils.
School Modernisation
As the Local Authority, Flintshire County Council is committed to working with schools and communities to secure high quality learning opportunities for everybody.
School Modernisation
Flintshire County Council has a responsibility to review and modernise all school provision, to make sure that we are providing the best possible opportunities for learners, so that they can achieve their full potential.
School Transport Application
Apply for school transport within Flintshire
Here you will find relevant information for schools.
Sealand Assets
The list of assets for Sealand
Senior Citizen Concessionary Railcards
How to apply for or renew a Senior Railcard.
Sex shop and cinema licence
To run a sex shop or place where explicit films are shown you need a licence
Shotton Assets
The list of assets for Shotton
Shotton High Street - Consultation
Flintshire County Council are seeking your views on proposals to implement Active Travel (walking and cycling) infrastructure, enhancements to the natural environment and measures to improve traffic flow on the B5129 Shotton High Street from Brook Road to Shotton Lane.
Single Person Discount Form
Single Person Discount Form
Skate Park
Find out more on the Gwella website.
Skin piercing
Includes acupuncture, electrolysis, skin piercing, micro blading, tattooing, body piercing, and semi permanent make up.
Skip operator licence
If you wish to place skips upon the adopted highway (the road plus any paved or grassed area) a permit is required from the Local Authority
Skip permit
To put a builder's skip on a public road, you need a permit
Social Care for Adults
Social Care for Adults
Social Media
Join our Facebook and Twitter groups and engage with the Council
Social Media House Rules
We are all responsible for content we post on social media, including content we choose to share.
Social Services
Flintshire County Council's Social Services department
Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014
Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014: How will this affect my care and support?
Social Services Recruitment
A number of jobs within Social Services that we are currently recruiting for.
Social Services Reports
View Social Services Reports
Soft Play
Find out more on the Gwella website.
Speaking at Planning Committee
Flintshire County Council is committed to extending public involvement in the planning process.
Specialist Needs
Information about support for children with additional needs and their families.
Speech, Language and Communication
Information and resources to help you to encourage early communication.
Sports stand safety certificate
If you operate a sports ground, you must have a safety certificate for any stand that holds more than 500 spectators
Spring Clean Cymru
Help tackle litter on our streets, green spaces and beaches this Spring Clean Cymru between 15 March – 31 March
St David's High School Review
Proposal to change the Age Range at St David's High School, Saltney from 11-18 to 11-16 (by 31st August 2016).
Standards Committee Hearings
See details of Standards Committee Hearings here.
Standing for election
If you want to stand for election there are statutory processes that you need to follow. More information on standing for election is available here
Starting your own Business
If you have an idea and the determination to make it happen, our Business Development Team works in partnership with Business Wales to offer valuable and confidential support and advice.
Statement of Accounts
Flintshire Statement of Accounts
Staying Well
Medical and health advice provided by Flintshire County Council and useful contacts.
Still Births
Guidance on the registering a still birth.
Strategic Development Plan for Wales
Strategic Development Plan for Wales
Strategic Equality Plan
This plan sets out our equality objectives and action plans for making Flintshire a fairer place where people can achieve their potential, thrive and prosper.
Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme (SHARP)
Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme (SHARP)
Strategic Housing And Regeneration Programme (SHARP)
Flintshire County Council is committed to meeting the needs of the local community for affordable housing across the county
Stray, lost and dangerous dogs
Find out what to do if you find a stray dog, what happens once they're captured and what to do if your dog goes missing.
Street collection permit
To collect money or sell articles, you require a licence
Street furniture
Report damaged, missing or unsafe street furniture e.g. bus shelters / benches / crash barriers etc.
Street Lighting
The Council's Street Lighting Team is responsible for most of the County's street lights. While we maintain lighting on behalf of a number of Community Councils, some street lights are owned by Community or Town Councils.
Street Naming and Numbering
From 1st April 2017, it is the intention of Flintshire County Council to charge for their street naming and numbering service.
Substance misuse
Support for substance misusers to improve their health and aid and maintain recovery
Success Stories
Articles, case studies and stories showcasing the projects' highlights and successes.
New legislation has been brought in to protect young people and sunbed users.
Sunday trading
Information about Sunday trading for large and small shops
Supported Accommodation
Flintshire Council commission a range of Supported Housing Projects aimed at working with people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Sustainable Drainage Systems
Significant change to drainage requirements will impact new developments from January 2019
Find out more on the Gwella website.
Swimming Clubs
Find out more on the Gwella website.
Swimming Lessons
Find out more on the Gwella website.
Syd's Place, Croes Atti Centre, Flint
Syd's Place, Croes Atti Centre in Flint is a specialist day service and resource centre for younger people with dementia.