Parc Adfer Community Benefit Fund
As part of their commitment to the local community, the North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project (NWRWTP) partner authorities and Parc Adfer's operators, Enfinium, have pledged to fund a Community Benefit Fund
Parents Voice and Volunteering
Find out how to get involved and have your say, or volunteer with us.
Parking - view all car parks
Pay and display prices and restrictions, map showing location of all car parks
Parking Fines
Pay a Flintshire Parking Fine online using our secure payment gateway.
Parking Fines & Enforcement
If you do not keep to the rules, you may find a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) - on your windscreen when you return to your vehicle
Parking Permits
Find out more about parking permits, including off-street and on-street parking permits, and parking dispensations.
Parks and countryside
Discover the beautiful Flintshire that's on your doorstep
Passes and Tickets
Information about passes and tickets for public transport in Flintshire.
Pay for it
Using our secure online payment portal, you can make payments for wide range of Council services and bills with a debit or credit card.
Pay Policy
This Pay Policy statement sets out the Councils Pay Policy in accordance with the requirements of 38 (1) of the Localism Act 2011.
Payment of Invoices - % of Invoices Paid on Time
Information about the payment of invoices and the percentage of invoices paid on time.
Penyffordd Assets
The list of assets for Penyffordd
Performance and Risk
Find out about our performance and view our reports, including the Annual Performance Report, the Council Plan, and the Corporate Self-assessment.
Period Proud Flintshire
Since 2019 all Local Authorities in Wales have received funding from Welsh Government, known as the 'Period Dignity Grant', to help tackle period poverty across Wales.
Permitted Development Rights
Find out if you need planning permission and what else you should consider
Personal Assistants
Information on what being a PA entails. A Personal Assistant can be employed using Direct Payment funds to help support and enable citizens.
Personal Assistants Home Page
Personal Assistants Home Page
Pest Control
Report a problem with rats, mice, wasps etc.
Pest Control
A household pest control service is available to deal with pests considered to be a risk to public health or food safety
Pet shop license
To run a business selling pet animals you need a licence from the local authority. This includes all commercial selling of pet animals
Petroleum licence
To store and dispense petrol directly into the fuel tank of an internal combustion engine, you need a licence
Place Making in Flintshire
Welsh Government requires each local authority across Wales to develop 'Place Making Plans' to set out how they will identify, plan and deliver Place Making in each of their town centres. This involves putting the future needs of town centres at the heart of policies; decision making and local action.
Place Making in Flintshire – Buckley, Holywell and Shotton
Flintshire County Council is co-ordinating the development of Place Making Plans on behalf of a range of partners based on the local need of each town centre across Flintshire.
Place Making in Flintshire – Connah's Quay and Mold
Flintshire County Council is co-ordinating the development of Place Making Plans on behalf of a range of partners based on the local need of each town centre across Flintshire.
Place Making in Flintshire – Connah's Quay, Flint, Mold and Queensferry
Flintshire County Council is co-ordinating the development of Place Making Plans on behalf of a range of partners based on the local need of each town centre across Flintshire.
Place Making in Flintshire – Flint and Queensferry
Flintshire County Council is coordinating the development of Place Making Plans on behalf of a range of partners based on the local need of each town centre across Flintshire.
Place Making in Flintshire –Shotton
Flintshire County Council is co-ordinating the development of Place Making Plans on behalf of a range of partners based on the local need of each town centre across Flintshire.
Planning - guidance for business
Advice on the need for permission, how to apply and guidance to consider
Planning Annual Performance Report
Flintshire County Council
Planning decisions & Committee
View decisions or obtain copies, how we make decisions, types of decision and what happens afterwards
Planning Enforcement
When we can take action, what we can or cannot do and how to report a suspected breach or appeal an enforcement notice
Planning Permission Advice
Find out if you need planning permission and what else you should consider
Planning Policy
View the adopted Flintshire Local Development Plan
Planning Register
Search the Flintshire County Council Planning Register
Plant Fair Holywell
Play Development
Welcome to Flintshire Play Development, where we believe in the magic of play as a transformative force in the lives of children and young people. Our mission is to create spaces and opportunities that empower them to thrive, learn, and grow through the power of play.
Play Sufficiency
Flintshire County Council are committed to ensuring that all children, young people and communities children have access to enough time, space and permission for play as part of their everyday lives. We recognise our responsibility to ensure that children living in Flintshire have a right to play.
Play Sufficiency
Play Sufficiency in Wales is a comprehensive and ongoing initiative that aims to ensure that children across Wales have access to high-quality play opportunities that contribute to their overall well-being and development.
Play Wales
Play Wales is a national organisation based in Wales, that is dedicated to promoting and advocating for children's play and playwork.
Playwork Projects
Playwork projects are initiatives that focus on creating and providing enriching play experiences for children and young people. These projects are designed to promote the fundamental importance of play in children's lives and emphasise the value of self-directed, child-led play.
Police and Crime Commissioner Election - Thursday 2 May 2024
The election of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Wales will take place on Thursday 2 May.
Policies and Terms and Conditions
Gwella's Policies and Terms and Conditions
Popular pages
Potholes, Pavement and Road Defects
Online report form - Potholes, Pavement and Road Defects
Potholes, Pavement and Road Defects
Information about how to report a pothole, pavement or other road defect.
Pram - Toddler Walks
Regular walking leads to improved physical and psychological wellbeing and also provides an opportunity to meet new people.
Pre-application Planning Advice
Informal advice to help plan and shape development proposals, identify relevant considerations and advise if schemes are likely or not to get planning permission.
Pre-Employment Checks
If you apply for a position at Flintshire County Council we will conduct appropriate reference and/or background checks on you, and any offer of employment we make will be conditional upon obtaining satisfactory results.
Preferred Strategy (Pre-Deposit Public Consultation)
View the broad approach that the LDP intends to take in order to ensure that development in the County takes place in a sustainable way.
Pre-Loved Uniform
Help reduce the cost of schooling in Flintshire by donating your unwanted or unused school uniform.
Premises licence – alcohol and entertainment
To provide late-night refreshments, regulated entertainment, and sell alcohol, you need a licence
Privacy Notice
What to expect when the Council collects personal information.
Privacy Notice
What to expect when the Council collects personal information
Privacy Notice
Privacy Notice - Registration Service
Privacy Notice
What to expect when the Council collects personal information
Privacy Notice Electoral Registration Officer / Returning Officer
Privacy Notice Electoral Registration Officer / Returning Officer
Privacy Notice for Equality Monitoring
Why the Council needs your information and how the Council uses it
Privacy Notice for Flintshire Libraries and Leisure
Privacy Notice for Flintshire Libraries and Leisure
Privacy Notice for Teams Recordings
This privacy notice explains how Flintshire County Council collects, uses and protects personal data in relation to recordings made on Microsoft Teams.
Privacy Notice for the Contact Centre
How we use your personal information for Contact Centre purposes
Private water supplies in Flintshire
Monitoring of public and private water supplies takes place to ensure that drinking water in the County poses no risk to health.
Problems paying your Invoice
Details on what to do if you are struggling to make payments
Progress for Providers
A key principle of social care legislation in Wales is that people should be supported to improve their well-being
Public Green Space Survey
We are running a public greenspace survey to gain insight into use and views on local green spaces.
Public health burials
Assistance is available for the burial/cremation of deceased persons when no other suitable arrangements can be made.
Public Question Time
Here you can find out how to put questions to the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Members.
Public rights of way
View the public rights of way network, report a problem and find answers to frequently asked questions.
Public Rights of Way Section 31(6) Register
Public Rights of Way Section 31(6) Register
Public Rights of Way Section 53B Register
Public Rights of Way Section 53B Register
Public Services Ombudsman Wales
Here you will find Public Notices pursuant to Section 17(3) of the Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Act 2005.
Public toilets
Report a problem or request a RADAR key
Publication Scheme
This model publication scheme has been prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner. It may be adopted without modification by any public authority without further approval and will be valid until further notice.