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Application Process

How applications were submitted and the key criteria for consideration and eligibility.

Funded By UK Government / Wedi ei ariannau gan Llywodraeth y DU

The majority of UKSPF funds have been issued through transparent and competitive bidding processes where potential project delivery organisations had the opportunity to submit their proposals for consideration via an open call application process that operated across the North Wales region.

The application process operated in 2 stages. Potential applicants were requested to complete a Stage 1 application form towards the end of February 2023.  Applicants that were successful at Stage 1 were then invited to submit a more detailed application in the summer as part of the Stage 2 process.

Large scale strategic projects with a minimum value of £250,000 were encouraged.  Grant schemes which would enable smaller voluntary groups and businesses to apply for support through the project applicant were also welcomed.

The UKSPF is predominantly a revenue based programme. Capital expenditure as a smaller element within a wider revenue-based project was considered as were projects which could disburse small capital grants or works across multiple communities or businesses. Due to the small scale of the programme in Flintshire large single capital works projects however were discouraged and not supported.

In order to be considered, proposed projects needed to demonstrate:

  • the ability to meet the UK Government criteria for the programme and deliver outcomes from the programme framework;
  • fit with local needs and how they will complement and not duplicate existing local provision;
  • the contribution to meeting the strategic needs of the area as set out in the Council Plan, Wellbeing Plan and other relevant strategies;
  • significant local engagement with stakeholders and potential beneficiaries;
  • deliverability within the short timeframe for the programme;
  • the experience and capability of the project sponsor;
  • an ability to identify and manage risks effectively;
  • value for money and that the project can’t be funded elsewhere;
  • that UK Government subsidy control regulations can be complied with; and
  • that delivery will take account of equality duties, the Welsh language and environmental good practice.