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Preferred Strategy (Pre-Deposit Public Consultation)

The Council has produced a Preferred Strategy document for the Flintshire LDP. The Preferred Strategy document outlines the Plans vision, issues and objectives, preferred level of growth and preferred spatial strategy. It identifies two Strategic Sites and Strategic Policies.

The Preferred Strategy is the first formal publication in the LDP preparation process and follows on from two previous consultation and engagement events which were the Key Messages and Strategic Options documents. The Preferred Strategy will provide the strategic framework for the more detailed policies, proposals and development allocation in the Deposit Draft Plan.

The Preferred Strategy main document can be viewed using the on-line consultation portal. This will also allow comments to be made and submitted electronically in respect of the questions placed at key sections and policies within the document. In order to use this system it will be necessary to register on the Objective system using the link below. This is the Council’s preferred method of comment as it will assist in the efficient processing of representations. However, below is an editable form for you to email or post to us.

LDP Preferred Strategy - Comments Form (PDF)

Consultation Portal

The main Preferred Strategy document is accompanied by a wide range of other documents including:

Other evidence can be viewed on the ‘Document and Evidence Base’ section of the website or by looking at specific sections of the website e.g. previous consultations.

Copies of the documents* are available for inspection from Thursday 09 November to Thursday 21 December as follows:

  • On the Council’s website
  • At Ty Dewi Sant (Ewloe) Reception during normal opening hours
  • At Flintshire Connects Offices in Buckley, Connahs Quay, Flint, Holywell and Mold and at all libraries, during normal opening hours
  • At an exhibition in County Hall Main Reception for the 6 week consultation period
  • At the following exhibitions during normal opening hours: 
    • Buckley Library, Deeside Library (Leisure Centre), Holywell Library and Mancot Community Library between Thursday 9th November and Wednesday 29th November
    • Broughton Library, Flint Library and Mold Library between Thursday 30th November and Thursday 21st December

*Please note: only the Pre-Deposit Proposals documents (i.e. the Preferred Strategy, the Integrated Impact Assessment – Interim Report and the Habitats Regulations Screening Report) plus the Candidate Sites Assessment / Alternative Sites Background paper will be available for inspection at consultation and exhibition venues. All documents are available online.

Comments on the Pre-Deposit Proposals documents, the Candidate Sites Assessment and other supporting information, as well as the submission of alternative sites must be made in writing and received by the Council by 5pm on Thursday 21 December 2017. All representations must clearly identify the subject matter, any change sought and the reasoning. Representations can be made by one of the following methods:

  • Using the on-line consultation portal (this will require respondents registering to use the Objective Keystone system on the Council’s website)
  • Using the comments form
  • Using the alternative site submission form
  • By e-mail to
  • By writing to Andrew Farrow, Chief Officer (Planning and Environment), Flintshire County Council, Tŷ Dewi Sant, St. Davids Park, Ewloe, CH5 3FF

Any queries can be directed to the LDP helpline 01352 703213 or by using the e-mail address above.

The Authority is only required to consider representations made in accordance with this notice. Representations made during this pre-deposit (Preferred Strategy) stage will not be considered by the Inspector appointed to carry out the independent examination.

The next stage of the plan preparation process will be the ‘deposit’ stage when the deposit LDP will be consulted upon and representations sought.