
Current estimates by Welsh Government show that 60% - 81% of Public Sector organisations’ operating budgets are spent with Suppliers and Contractors. Due to this, the Goods, Services and Works provided by our Suppliers and Contractors emits a significant percentage of the carbon we generate.
This makes decarbonisation within the Council’s commissioning, procurement and contract management processes a key player in influencing and reducing our emissions.
- The Council has a strong methodology established through our own TOMs (Themes, Outcomes & Measures) framework which uses social, economic and environmental factors within procurement operations.
- Joint procurement service with Denbighshire County Council which allows collaboration to maximise cost and efficiency savings.
- Review of Joint Social Value Procurement Strategy to provide consistency and ensure social, economic and environmental factors are not compromised.
- Carbon and biodiversity impacts have been included as a consideration in capital spend business case template.
- The Council has a strong methodology established through our own TOMs (Themes, Outcomes & Measures) framework which uses social, economic and environmental factors within procurement operations. This has recently been updated with additional carbon outcomes included. Key tenders have been identified to target carbon outcomes.
- Regional public sector collaboration developed for commission of ‘Production of Climate change e-learn module’ with three other Councils and a local College group.
- Decarbonisation network developed for Deeside industrial area to develop aims and objectives and share good practice. Funding secured through Shared Prosperity Fund to provide grants for commercial carbon reduction feasibility studies.
Future actions:
We will:
- Review of procurement strategy in line with the Council’s carbon ambitions to ensure specific measures around carbon and biodiversity are embedded in procurement process.
- Work collaboratively with Denbighshire County Council to develop a toolkit to ensure all procurement exercises are awarded giving appropriate consideration to carbon reduction priorities and provide communication and training to all affected employees and suppliers
- Enable best practice for carbon offsetting schemes providing local place-based environmental outcomes, where required