Alert Section

Parking Fines & Enforcement

We have received reports of a scam where people are sent a text about paying for a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN), which takes you to a fake website.

We do NOT contact people by text about parking fines.

If you have received a PCN, you will receive all correspondence by post.

The Council is responsible for managing Council car parks.  The Council’s Civil Enforcement Officers are also responsible for the enforcement of on street parking and the issuing of Penalty Charge Notices.  If you do not keep to the rules, you may find a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) on your windscreen when you return to your vehicle.

Frequently Asked Questions

 How will enforcement be done?
The Civil Enforcement Officers (CEO’s) will patrol all areas of Flintshire where parking restrictionsexist and which are covered by a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO).  This will include double and singleyellow lines, loading and unloading areas, disabled bays, limited waiting areas, taxi ranks and any County Council controlled off street parking areas, etc.

Enforcement officers will issue Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) to drivers who have parked incontravention of any regulations in force at that time.  If you park illegally or in the wrong place on the highway network or Council run car parks, when you return to your vehicle you may find a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) on your windscreen.

When and on what roads will Civil Parking Enforcement take place?
Local Authority enforcement will cover all adopted roads and Council car parks in the Flintshire area except for the A55, A550 and the dual carriageway section of the A494 Trunk Road.

Enforcement could be carried out on any day and at any time that a parking restriction is in force.  The frequency of patrols will be determined to meet local demands and circumstances.

Will the Police be responsible for any parking enforcement?
The Police will not be responsible for enforcing any yellow line restrictions.  The Police will continue to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for the following offences:

  • All moving traffic offences
  • All cases of obstruction to moving traffic such as yellow box junctions etc
  • Dangerous parking
  • Any endorsable parking offences
  • Footway parking where no yellow lines are present
  • Driving over footways
  • Where security or other traffic policing issues are involved.

How do I avoid getting a PCN?
Do not contravene parking regulations and take notice of all signs and markings when parking.  It is your responsibility to park your vehicle correctly and listed below are some examples of where you should not park.  If you are not sure check what is on the sign applying to the place where you are parking:

  • In areas where waiting and loading restrictions are in force at the time
  • In a reserved bay (e.g. for blue badge holders), without correctly displaying a valid permit
  • At a marked bus stop during prohibited times
  • On mandatory zig zag lines outside a school or by pedestrian crossings
  • On a pavement or grass verge behind waiting restrictions in force at that time
  • In any parking bay in contravention of the car park regulations
  • For longer than any limited waiting restriction or return to the space within the stated time limit.

Is loading and unloading of goods permitted?
Normally yes, whilst undertaking such activities, unless loading restrictions or zig zag markings are also in existence.

Can vehicles stop to drop off passengers?
Yes, providing that the activity is not being carried out in an area subject to school keep clear markings or pedestrian crossing zig zag markings.

How much will it cost if I get a Penalty Charge Notice?
The Penalty Charge Notice will be either £50 or £70 depending upon how serious the contraventionis considered to be.  PCN levels and the contraventions deemed to be more serious are set nationally and not by the Council.  If the PCN is paid within 14 days of issue, the charge is reduced by 50% (to £25 or £35).  It can also increase by 50% (to £75 or £105) if it is not paid within 28 days of a Notice to Owner and a Charge Certificate is issued.  Details of how to pay a PCN will be shown on the back of the Notice.

What is considered to be a more serious contravention?
Generally any contravention of a yellow line or parking in a bay without displaying an appropriate permit (e.g. disabled bays) is considered a more serious contravention.  Contraventions in permitted parking bays (e.g. overstaying the time allowed in a parking bay) would be considered a lesser contravention.

What can I do if I don’t agree that a PCN should have been issued?
You can challenge the issue of the PCN by contacting the Council’s Parking Services’ team in the first instance.  You must make this challenge within 28 days of the issue date of the PCN.  The Council’s Parking Services will look into your case and will come to a decision using the current Council policy.

If your challenge is upheld, the PCN will be cancelled and you will be informed.  If, however, it is not upheld, you will be notified and asked to pay the PCN at the appropriate rate.  If you challenge the PCN within 14 days the 50% discount period will be extended until you are informed of the decision.

What if I still don’t agree with the Council’s decision?
Assuming that you haven’t paid the PCN a “Notice to Owner” (NtO) will be issued and you will need to either pay the charge or make a further representation(s) to the Council within the next 28 days.  The Council must consider your reasons again and if it still rejects your representation(s), you will be sent a rejection notice and the Council will forward your representation(s) to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal forconsideration.

What is the Traffic Penalty Tribunal?
It is a national independent body set up specifically to hear appeals against PCN’s.  All Tribunal adjudicators are qualified legal professionals who will look at all the facts of the case and reach a decision as to whether the PCN should be paid or not.  Each side can put their case (normally without attending) although it is your right to have an appeal heard and attend the hearing.  The decision reached by the adjudicator is final.

What happens if I don’t pay the PCN after a representation has been rejected?
The PCN will be registered at a special County Court at Northampton when additional court administration fees will be added (currently £7.00 / case). The full value of the PCN will increase by a further 50% and you will be sent a notice of debt registration and given a further 21 days to make the payment.

What happens if I still don’t pay?
After 21 days have elapsed, the Council can register the warrant and instruct certificated bailiffs to collect the unpaid PCN or seize goods to cover the value of the PCN plus any additional amount added by the Bailiff Company.

What can I do if I didn’t receive a Notice to Owner (NtO)?
You can send a statement (known as a ‘witness statement’) to the County Court at Northampton who will forward it to the Council.  The Council will likely send you a copy of the NtO and the process will re-commence from that point.

What can I do if I made a representation but did not receive a rejection notice or I appealedto the Traffic Penalty Tribunal adjudication service?
In both cases you can make a witness statement to the County Court at Northampton who will forward it to the Council.  The Council must, in these circumstances, refer the case to the adjudication service

How will it affect Blue badge holders?
There will be no changes to the regulations.  Badge holders may continue to park on single or double yellow lines for a maximum period of three hours, providing that they do not create an obstruction, except where there is a ban on loading or unloading.  The Blue badge must be displayed together with the parking disc showing the arrival time.  Where there is limited waiting there is no time limit providing that the badge is displayed.

Can vehicles park on yellow lines whilst carrying out building works, removals etc?
In certain circumstances dispensation can be obtained from the Council for specific times to allow for activities such as building works and removals.

Will PCN’s be issued for parking on a verge or footway?
Notices can be issued to vehicles parking partially or wholly on a verge or footway that is adjacent to yellow lines.  If a goods vehicle is parked on a verge or footway a PCN may be issued even if there are no yellow lines.  Vehicles parking on footways create obstructions for pedestrians, particularly those with a disability and damage the surface.  The Police have the powers to issue Fixed Penalty Notices in these situations.

Can I request the removal or amendment of the existing markings?Restrictions are normally in place for traffic management or safety reasons but occasionally may no longer be required or appropriate.  All requests for such changes should be made to the Council’s Traffic Section by telephoning 01352 701234.

Fines - How to Pay

Penalty Charge Notices: The options for paying these notices will be explained on the back of the Penalty Charge Notice "Ways to pay": Wales Penalty Processing Partnership (WPPP) 

The full charge will be £70 or £50 depending on the seriousness of the contravention.  A 50% discount will apply if the PCN is paid within 14 days reducing the charge to £35 or £25.  Non payment (or no challenge) of a PCN will increase the full charge by a further 50% after 56 days.  A range of payment options will be available.  The details will be on the back of the Penalty Charge Notice.

Parking of Motorbikes

Off Street Restrictions:
When parking in a Pay and Display Car Park the driver must park in a bay and the relevant fee must be paid and the P&D ticket retained by the rider; if there is no means of displaying the P&D ticket on the motor cycle.

It is expected that the motorbike rider adheres to all conditions as stated on the Pay & Display machine and ensures that the vehicle is parked wholly within an official marked bay, as failing to adhere to these regulations may result in the issuing of an Penalty Charge Notice.  

There is no secure motorbike parking however, we have two bays lined specifically to accommodate motorbike only parking (these are located in New Street Car Park, Mold).  Whilst some of our car parks have CCTV camera’s they are not dedicated to specific areas and the camera is moved remotely at the discretion of the CCTV office

On-Street Restrictions:
It is also expected that motorbike rider adhere to the time limits set in limited waiting bays.

All motorbikes must ensure that they park in accordance with the restrictions in place, and not park on the pavements causing an obstruction.

No motorbikes are permitted to park on a pedestrian zone during the prescribed hours, all motorbikes must adhere to the Traffic Regulation Orders as appropriately lined and signed where necessary on site. 

What can I do about HGV's parking in my street?

Heavy goods vehicles are not allowed to park in residential areas and should park in approved locations.  Any specific complaints / queries can be raised with the Traffic Commissioner on 0121 608 1062. 

Can the grass verge be surfaced to allow me to park my car on it?

It is not the Council's policy to replace grassed verges to create parking areas.  The road will be inspected to ensure that the verge is in a safe condition and if appropriate, enforcement action against the drivers responsible will be considered.


Traffic Regulation Orders prohibit or restrict parking on the public highway.  Civil Parking Enforcement Officers (CPEO) patrol and enforce both on-street and off-street parking regulations and will issue Penalty Charge Notices to vehicles observed parked in contravention, where necessary.

The Council understands that there may be occasions where a vehicle will need to park at locations that would normally not be permitted.  A dispensation may be issued in these circumstances, however, this would be chargeable (see payment details below).  A dispensation is not intended for those who will not require constant access to their vehicle, and will only be issued where the Council agrees there is no alternative option available.

When a dispensation is required an application must be submitted 3 working days in advance of the date required to enable appropriate consideration to be given.  Unless there are exceptional circumstances, only one vehicle will be permitted to park at any location.  Same day dispensations will only be granted in emergency situations.

Once a dispensation has been granted the vehicle must be parked in a manner that creates no hazard to pedestrians or other road users, does not obstruct sight lines at junctions and does not obstruct access or impede free flow of traffic.  A dispensation does not relax any requirement for motorists to comply with any legal requirement under the Highway Code for moving traffic offences.

Dispensations may be granted for many reasons:

  • Domestic removals
  • Removal and loading asbestos
  • Carrying hazardous materials / chemicals for use at a building
  • Handling heavy building materials
  • Mobile workshop (welding, window cleaning)
  • Builders lorry collecting debris
  • Glazier fitting windows
  • Concrete wagon delivering concrete
  • Constant access to tools / equipment from a vehicle
  • Filming.

This list is not exhaustive and other situations will be considered.

The following vehicles will receive automatic dispensation from waiting restrictions:

  • Police, Fire, Rescue Services (including RNLI & Coastguard) and Ambulances but only whilst attending emergency situations
  • Vehicles involved in contracted Highway Maintenance or Public Utility work where there is a need for them to be parked adjacent to the site
  • Liveried Council vehicles carrying out statutory duties such as Refuse Collection, Street Cleansing and verge maintenance
  • Vehicles displaying valid Blue Badges (see appropriate section on Disabled Drivers/Passengers).



  • Up to 1 day is £12.00 per vehicle
  • 0 to 7 days consecutively is £35.00 per vehicle. 

Obtain an application form from the below online link or by contacting the Parking Services team on 01352 704626.

Parking regulation dispensation application (PDF 20KB new window)

Completed application forms should be either returned by post or emailed to Flintshire County Council for consideration and subsequent issue of a dispensation (if granted):

  • By post - Flintshire County Council, Parking Services, County Hall, Mold, Flintshire.
  • By scanned copy to -


Further information

For Penalty Charge Notices queries contact:

Wales Penalty Processing Partnership
P.O. Box 273, Rhyl, LL19 9EJ
Tel: 0845 6056556

For all other parking services contact:
Flintshire County Council's Parking Services
Tel: 01352 701234 
(Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)