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Bulky item / furniture collection

Donate it

Local charity Refurbs Flintshire (01352 734111) can collect re-usable furniture and electrical items from your doorstep for free.

Alternatively, advertise them on your local Freecycle / Freegle website.

Fridge / freezer collections

Fridges and fridge freezers are removed free of charge from residential properties only.

Fridges and freezers must be presented kerbside and emptied of food prior to collection.

Bulky item / furniture collection

We offer a bulky collection service for items that cannot be transported and disposed of at your local Household Recycling Centre.

Please check below what items can be collected before booking.

Household Waste Recycling Centres

If you can transport and handle larger items of waste yourself, a range of items can be disposed of free of charge at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre including wood, rubble, soil, asbestos and hazardous waste.

Household Recycling Centres

Cost (including VAT)

  • Charge for up to 5 items £45.00
  • Charge for each extra item £5.00

Maximum number of additional items is 5 (i.e. charges capped at £70.00 for a transaction with 10 items in total)

If you are in receipt of certain benefits - for example Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based), Employment & Support Allowance (Income Related), Disability Living Allowance (DLA) / PIP, State Pension or Guaranteed Pension Credits - the following discounted charges for bulk collections will apply on proof of benefit being provided:

  • Charge for up to 5 items £25.00
  • Charge for each extra item £5.00

Maximum number of additional items is 5 (i.e. charges capped at £50.00 for a transaction with 10 items in total).  Only two collections allowed per year at the discounted rate.

Book a collection

You will need to provide us with your benefit/pension details if you qualify for a discounted collection.

We accept payment by cash, debit card or credit card.

We aim to collect your items within ten working days. Do not double book your items. If you haven't received your collection within 10 working days please contact Streetscene.


Visit your nearest Flintshire Connects:

  • Buckley
  • Holywell
  • Flint
  • Connah's Quay
  • Mold


Call 01352 701234 to pay by credit/debit card.


Post a cheque made payable to 'Flintshire County Council' together with a list of items for collection, your name, address and copies of benefit/pension details to:

Streetscene Services,
Tŷ Dewi Sant,
St. Davids Park,

Conditions and restrictions

  • The items must be placed outside the property but within your boundary (e.g. front garden/drive) from the time your collection has been agreed.
  • Don't leave items on the footpath or road as this could lead to prosecution for fly tipping.
  • We cannot enter your home to assist with preparation or removal.
  • The collection vehicle must be able to park on your road, and not be blocked by other vehicles or obstructions.
  • The collection point for properties with difficult access e.g. flats, will be agreed with us before collection.
  • We will only collect items you have pre-booked
  • We may refuse to collect any items that could impact the safety or health of our collection staff.
  • Please cover items likely to soak up rainwater.
  • We aim to collect your items within ten working days. 
  • We will try to reuse or recycle as much of your waste as possible. Please let us know if you believe your item can be reused, we may be able to organise a collection date and time to prevent weather damage.