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Sundry Debts

Sundry Debts are often referred to as miscellaneous invoices and may be issued for a number of reasons, and in respect of a wide and varying range of services.

Invoices are payable within 30 days of the invoice being raised and the due date will usually clearly show on the invoice. Details of how and where to pay are printed on the reverse of every invoice and are also detailed below under "How can I pay?

Why Have I Received an Invoice?

If you have received an invoice it may relate to a service you have requested of the Council. The Council is required to make a charge for the service provided and does this currently in the main by the issue of an invoice. Some examples of services that you might request and for which a charge would then be raised are:

  • Hire of Leisure facilities, e.g. Halls or football pitches
  • Housing Repairs
  • Accommodation charges and care for the elderly

Alternatively you may receive an invoice to recover money/benefits you were not entitled to, or as the result of a legislative requirement or contractual agreement. Some examples for which an invoice might be raised are:

  • Business Refuse collection and bin hire
  • Overpayment of Salary
  • Overpaid grant awards
  • Commercial rent payments
  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Planning inspection charges
  • Leases and Licenses
  • Housing property recharges

How and Where Can I Pay


You can Pay Online with most credit and debit cards 24 hours a day.

Click here to pay

Internet / telephone banking

You can make a payment using telephone or internet banking. Simply quote the council’s bank details - Sort Code 54 10 10, Account Number 72521775, and quote your Customer Number and Invoice Number as shown on your invoice

Standing Order

To arrange to pay your invoice/account by standing order you need to contact the Debtors team on 01352 703607, who will arrange a payment plan for you and post a form to you which needs to be signed and returned.


You can make payment by cash or cheque at any bank, but you may be charged for this service. It is important that you quote the Council’s bank details, - Sort Code 541010, Account Number 72521775 along with your Customer Number and Invoice Number as shown on your invoice.

By Post

We can accept cheques by post, please put the Customer and Invoice Number on the reverse of the cheque and send to Cashiers, Flintshire County Council, Tŷ Dewi Sant, St. Davids Park, Ewloe, CH5 3FF.

Please note:

Should you be paying more than one invoice with a single cheque, please indicate clearly the amounts to be paid against the respective invoice reference numbers.

Flintshire Connects Offices

Flintshire Connects Offices can process payment by cash or card.

Click for locations and opening times.

Why have you sent you sent me a Reminder?

If an invoice is not paid with as outlined on the invoice, or an arrangement has not been followed, recovery letters will be issued. Continued failure to make payment will result in further action being taken against you, this can include:

  • Referral to a debt collection agent
  • County Court Action, which may result in a:
    • County Court Judgement (CCJ) being made against you;
    • Attachment to your earnings;
    • Charging order being made against your property;
    • 3rd party debt order.

Problems Paying Your Invoice

Flintshire encourages payment in full, but should you be experiencing problems in paying your invoice please tell us immediately in order for us to provide you with assistance and advice on suitable instalment arrangements and other payment options.

This may involve the completion of an income and expenditure form, which will be sent once your personal circumstances have been considered. Please contact the Debtors Team on 01352 703607

I have a Dispute with my Invoice

If you feel that the invoice you have received is incorrect, please contact us immediately. The details of where to contact are shown on your invoice the right hand side of your address. Disputes can be investigated and genuine problems can be solved.

Can I Get a Copy of the Invoice?

Copy invoices can be requested by telephone and will be provided within a couple of days. Please contact the Debtors Team on 01352 703607 or by e-mailing

I have Overpaid my Invoice

If you believe you have overpaid an invoice please contact the Debtors Team on 01352 703607 or by e-mailing

Please make sure you have full details of payments made as this will need to be checked against our records. Refunds will only be issued in the name of the person stated on the invoice unless we have signed authorisation from them or their legal representative.