Family Information Service

If you would like more information about how to choose childcare; support which may be available with the cost of childcare; help to find a local childcare setting; or any other information to help your family with health, leisure, or support needs, you have come to the right place. Our service is free, and we are a statutory service which is part of Flintshire County Council.
Our contact details are –
- Email - – please tell us what your requirements are, and we will get back to you. If your email has safely reached us, you will receive an automated acknowledgement.
- Telephone – 01352 703500 during normal weekday office hours (our answerphone facility is available during busy periods, evenings, public holidays and weekends – please leave a message).
- Social media – Search for ‘Family Information Flintshire’ or follow the link below:
- Social media messaging – You can contact us via Facebook Messenger
- Online – we offer two websites for access to information whenever you choose -
Childcare Offer for Wales Digital System
If you wish to talk to the Childcare Offer team about your application or if you have any Childcare Offer enquiries: -
- Please call the national helpline on 03000 628 628 or;
- Email