What are direct payments?

What are Direct Payments?
If you are eligible for help to meet your care needs, Flintshire County Council can give you the money instead of a service.
You can use your Direct Payment to arrange support that is right for you and your lifestyle.
Having a Direct Payment means that you can have more control over the support you need, be able to make important choices about your care, and have far greater flexibility over your support than care arranged by the council.
People in Flintshire are using Direct Payments to arrange:
- Support with daily life and activities
- Support to get out and about
- Support with personal care
- Support that helps achieve personal goals
- Equipment that supports their independence
Having a Direct Payment is a personal decision that will hopefully enable you to achieve a better quality of life.
We are committed to providing people such as yourself with all of the information that you need to make a decision that is right for you.
We have an experienced Direct Payments team within the council who are there to support you with any queries or information that you need. We will endeavour to provide you with as much help and reassurance as you need, until you feel confident to manage arrangements yourself. But remember, if you need periodic support, or advice we are only a phone call away.
Direct Payment Team contact info:
Direct Payments Support Service
01352 701100
Team members:
Direct Payment Team Manager; Mark Cooper.
Direct Payment Support Officers; Claire Tuft, Emily Kershaw, Harriet Weir, Sharon Stapley-Jones, Maria Williams, Toni Wolstenholme
To get further information about the support you can recieve to help you understand and manage a direct payment in Flintshire, please click on the link below.
Direct Payment Support in Flintshire
What should I do if I want to find more about Direct Payments?
In order for you to get a Direct Payment you need an assessment of your care needs. If you have a social worker or care manager then contact them. If not please call:
- Adult Social Services on 03000 858858;
- or Children’s Social Services on 01352 701000
Please read our welcome booklet by clicking on the link below.
Welcome Booklet 2024
Direct Payment Stories
Teresa’s story
Teresa was diagnosed with Early Onset Dementia at the age of 59. Eight years on this is her story and how Direct Payments have enabled her to arrange an alternative to traditional support which has helped her remain active, well and involved in her local community.
Joanne’s story part 1
Joanne has required 24 hour support after she suffered a brain injury in 1996 when she was just 20 years old. This is Joanne and her mum telling her story and how direct payments help Joanne to live independently in her own home with the support that she chooses.
Joanne’s story part 2
Joanne has accessed support after she suffered a brain injury 1996 when she was just 20 years old. This is Joanne and one of the Personal Assistants (PA’s) who she employs via Direct Payments, talking about what it is like to be a PA.
Eira’s story
Eira was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease in 2012 and lives with her husband who manages the direct payment and receives support from 3 Personal Assistants (PAs) including her daughter. This is their story of how direct payments have helped their family, including support for Eira, support for her husband as a carer and how their daughter finds being a PA.
Imogen’s story
This is Imogen’s story. Imogen has difficulties with her mental health, but using direct payments she employs PAs to help support her with everyday tasks and would recommend direct payments for other people with mental health issues.