New Welsh Medium Primary School, Flint
Flintshire County Council will construct its first new Welsh-medium primary school, due to be opened in Autumn 2025. Formed as part of the Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme Band B submission, the project will see the transfer of Ysgol Gymraeg Croes Atti in Flint to a new site approximately 0.94 miles southeast of its current location.

The campus will comprise of a new school that will accommodate up to 240 full time pupils and a standalone facility dedicated to early year’s childcare, community events and a Welsh immersion programme. The co-location of all these elements have been included in the project to encourage early adoption of a Welsh language education and complement both local and national policies such as the Cymraeg 2050 Welsh Language Strategy.

Along with promotion of the Welsh language, completion of the £15.9 million project will also deliver Flintshire’s second net zero carbon primary school.

Project Timeline