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Caring for Others

Offering sources of support for young people who care for others. Includes local and national services, and details of how to contact others in a similar position.


Family Information Service

The Westwood Centre
Tabernacle Street
01244 547017

The Family Information Service is an information source with details of support services for all aspects of family life. We have a lot of details about help for common issues faced by young people.

You are welcome to contact us regarding childcare, school holiday activities, leisure services and job vacancies. We can also provide information about organizations and helplines for young parents and carers

Our service is free, friendly and confidential. If we can’t help you ourselves, we may be able to put you in contact with other organizations that are able to support your needs.

Young Carers

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Barnardo's - Flintshire Services
82-84 High Street
01352 755422

Flintshire Young Carers is a service for young people supporting a family member with health problems. We know that you’re going through a tough time, and we’re here to help you in any way we can.

We can offer individual support, group activities and a chance to meet other young people in a similar situation to you. We can also provide practical help through first aid training and cooking lessons which show you how to prepare meals for your whole family. We’ll help you learn how to budget your household, and give you opportunities for personal development.

We have links with many other services which might be able to support you, and we can refer you to these services if you ask us to.



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RipRap can help you cope when a parent has cancer. We know that you’re going through a hard time, and that you may feel scared and alone.

On our site you'll find stories from other young people dealing with the same situations as you are. You’ll find information and tips to help you understand and come to terms with what’s going on in your family. There’s also an interactive emotion selector, where you can tell us how you’re feeling – we’ll help to explore your thoughts and suggest ways of improving your mood.

If you can’t find the support you need on the site, please email us with any questions or concerns. All problems will be answered by experienced professionals working in this field.


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Helpline Telephone: 01708 765200
Free from a landline phone: No
Free from a mobile phone: No
Appears on phone bill: Yes
Opening Hours: Varies – ring for details

At SupportLine, we offer emotional support for people of all ages. Our opening times vary - but if you call when we’re closed, a voicemail message will tell you when we’re next open.

Anything that you tell us is confidential. We won’t pass on your details to anyone else unless you want us to. All our operators are friendly, and we will listen very carefully to what you tell us.

We will work with you to try and develop your self esteem, giving you inner strength and the ability to move forward with your life. We may ask questions, which will allow you to explore the issue fully and work out your own way of improving your situation. We can also provide you with information about other services from around the UK which may be of use to you.

Young Carers Net

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YCNet is committed to supporting young people who care for others, and our website is packed with information and advice, and the chance to interact in safety with other young carers from across the country.

You can chat with other young carers and with our friendly youth workers, read about other people in a similar position to you, as well as contribute to our forum by sharing your own experiences and advice with others. You can sign up for our monthly newsletter, and get answers to any questions you may have from agony aunts and youth workers.

There's also a section with details of other organisations and services that we think might be able to help you. If you have any comments about the site or need further help, feel free to email us and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Death (Family)


Family Information Service

The Westwood Centre
Tabernacle Street
01244 547017

The Family Information Service is an information source with details of support services for all aspects of family life. We have a lot of details about help for common issues faced by young people.

You are welcome to contact us regarding childcare, school holiday activities, leisure services and job vacancies. We can also provide information about organizations and helplines for young parents and carers.

Our service is free, friendly and confidential. If we can’t help you ourselves, we may be able to put you in contact with other organizations that are able to support your needs.

Release Bereavement Support

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Nightingale House
Chester Road
LL11 2SJ
01978 316800

Release is a service especially for children, young people and their families who have experienced the death of a loved one. We know that you might be feeling upset, confused or angry – we’ll try our best to help in any way we can.

We can provide support either in a one-to-one session or a family session. We hold group sessions with other young people who have had similar experiences, which is an opportunity to both receive and offer help to others.

We also have strong links with other services which may be able to help both you and your family. If you ask us, we’ll be more than happy to pass details of these services on to you.



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Helpline Telephone: 0844 477 9400
Free from a landline phone: Yes
Free from a mobile phone: No
Appears on phone bill: Yes

Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday - 9:30am to 5:00pm

Cruse was set up especially to support people dealing with bereavement and grief. We know how hard it can be when someone close to you dies. It’s OK to feel angry, upset, confused, or a range of other emotions. There is no one way to deal with death.

The people who answer the phones have also experienced bereavement – so there’s a good chance they’ll know what you’re going through. Whatever you tell us will be treated with confidence. We won’t tell anyone else unless you want us to.

Our helpline is especially for young people. Whether you want a general chat with a friendly ear or information on other services which might be able to help you – give us a call. No matter what you tell us, we won’t judge. We believe the best way for you to move onwards is to make your own decisions. We won’t tell you what to do – we’ll just give you ideas and options so you can choose your own path.

The Road for You

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The Road for You is a website especially for young people who have lost someone close to them. Everyone reacts differently to a death - we're not here to tell you how you should be acting or feeling.

We believe in helping you to find your own 'road' to dealing with your loss. If someone you know has died, recently or even some time ago, you could use our site to find out how others in your situation have coped. You can read their experiences in the personal section (new window). On our message boards you can share your thoughts and feelings, offer advice to others, and find ideas for coping when you’re feeling upset. You can also record your emotions on our timeline, or post a picture in memory of a loved one.

If you can’t find what you need on our site, feel free to email us and we’ll do our best to help you out.

Winston’s Wish

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At Winston’s Wish, we know that you must be feeling a mixture of emotions after the death of someone close, and this can often leave you feeling angry, confused or upset. On our website, Doctor Doug will help you find out the answers to all those questions you might have had when the person died.

The website also has message boards where you can chat to other young people who have been through similar experiences. There are ideas for what you can do on days such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, birthdays and anniversaries. We have advice on how to make memories last by creating a star in our Skyscape of memories, creating a jar of memories or scribbling thoughts and feelings on the graffiti wall.

Feel free to email us at any time with any questions, and we’ll do our best to help you.