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Review of Supplementary Planning Guidance

The basis for decision making is the policies and proposals in the adopted LDP. However, it is necessary and indeed good practice in some cases for policies and proposals to be accompanied by SPG which provides more detailed advice and supporting information on their implementation. Appendix 2 of the LDP sets out a table of SPG to be reviewed along with timescales as set out below. 

SPG Topic Table (Monitoring indicators for Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) Notes Preparation)

In some cases an existing SPG will be reviewed and in other cases a new SPG will be prepared. In each case a draft SPG will be endorsed by Planning Strategy Group to go out to public consultation. Representations will be considered by Planning Strategy Group in terms of the need to make amendments to the draft SPG. A final version of the SPG will be reported to Cabinet for formal adoption as SPG. Once adopted, each SPG will carry weight as a material planning consideration. This approach is in line with Welsh Government guidance.

Current consultation on SPG: Now Closed 

The following draft Supplementary Planning Guidance notes have been published for public consultation commencing on 23/09/2024 and ending on 04/11/2024:-

Individuals and organisations are invited to submit their views on the content of the draft SPGs.

Paper copies of the documents are available to view in County Hall, Mold, Ty Dewi Sant, Ewloe and all Flintshire Connects offices.

You are encouraged to submit your representation directly via 

or by post to:

Andrew Farrow,
Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy),
Flintshire County Council,
Tŷ Dewi Sant,
St. Davids Park,

Next Steps

Once the six week public consultation period has lapsed all representations submitted will be considered by Officers in terms of whether changes to the SPGs are necessary or justified. A report on the outcome of the consultation will be reported to Planning Strategy Group for endorsement to then be reported to Cabinet with a resolution seeking their adoption as formal SPG. Each adopted SPG will incorporate details of the consultation exercise and a brief commentary on how the SPG has been amended. Once adopted, the SPGs will carry full weight as a material consideration on planning applications.

GDPR / Privacy Statement

Flintshire County Council is collecting your personal data as part of its public task and statutory duty under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. As part of the consultation on the Supplementary Planning Guidance Notes the Council is seeking comments from anyone who has an interest, including members of the public.

Welsh Government advises that all SPG notes should contain a Statement of Consultation which should include all the comments received and show how those comments have resulted in changes to the document. Therefore, a summary of all the comments will be published on the Councils website as part of the adopted SPG, once the SPG is adopted, however all personal data will be removed from public view.

Your personal data will not be shared with any third parties. Your personal data will be retained until the Council has completed and formally adopted all the SPG notes after which time it will be deleted. If you feel that Flintshire County Council has mishandled your personal data at any time you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office by visiting their website or by calling their helpline on 0303 123 1113.

For further information about how Flintshire County Council processes personal data and your rights please see our privacy notice on our website -  

Previous consultations on SPG – awaiting adoption:

Adopted SPG:
Further details to follow