Youth Justice Service Keeping in Contact
The Youth Justice Service & Flintshire Sorted are here to help you. As part of our work with you we will agree with you (and in some cases your parents and carers) the way in which we will keep in contact with you.
We keep records of our contact with you (face to face, phone, text, WebEx & WhatsApp) and more information is detailed on our Privacy Notice.
In some circumstances we may have to share information with other professionals and your parents or carers if you or others share any information (face to face, phone, text, WebEx or Whatsapp) that concerns us or we are worried about you or other people. Your worker will explain ‘Confidentiality’ with you.
However, we are not always available. We only work at certain days and times and sometimes your worker may be on leave or unexpectedly absent from work.
It is important that you and your parent or carer know who to contact in these situations.
Youth Justice Service - Privacy Notice
Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm and Friday 9am-4.30pm.
You can call us on 01352 701125
Evenings after 5pm (4.30pm on Friday’s) and all weekend. This is called our ‘out of hours’.
Some young people complete some activities at the weekend - you will be provided with someone to speak to if you are doing these activities.
Flintshire Social Services for Children;
0845 053 3116 (Emergency only)
Childline 0800 1111
North Wales Police:
999 (Emergency)
101 (non-emergency)
We keep in contact with our service users (including parents and carers) in various ways which may include;
- In person (face to face)
- By video calling (WebEx)
- By text
- By WhatsApp
- By post
Your worker will agree with you (and in some cases with your parent or carer) which is the most appropriate way(s) of keeping in touch with you and them.
However there are certain rules that both you and your worker will need to keep to:
Things to remember
- We do not accept abusive, threatening or inappropriate behaviour or language in person or by any means.
- Please do not send or share inappropriate material.
- Please ensure that you keep your phone and mobile devices up to date with the latest security and software updates
- If you need to speak to your Worker during working hours and don’t get a response call our office.
- Let us know if you change your phone number or address
- so we can keep our records up to date.
- If using technology make sure you understand how to use it safely.