Alert Section

Council Services and the weather

An amber warning for rain has been issued across Flintshire and is expected to last until 12pm on Thursday.

Stay safe and keep up to date here

Visit the Public Health Wales website


We do not provide sandbags to individual properties when there is a flood. Instead, we use sandbags mainly to protect groups of residents, for example by diverting the path of flowing water, and directing it towards gullies and manholes. This enables us to protect whole streets, whereas giving out sandbags to individual householders in a street would be a far less effective use of resources.

Waste and Recycling Collections

If changes to waste collections have had to be made, you will find details of any temporary collection arrangements on the main Bins, Recycling and Waste page.

When a flood happens

Don't try to walk or drive through flood water. Six inches of fast flowing water can knock you off your feet, and two feet of water will float your car. There are a number of practical things you can do to help prevent damage to your home, including:

  • Turn off your gas, electricity and water supplies
  • Put plugs in sinks and weigh them down with heavy objects; plug water inlet pipes with towels or cloths, and disconnect any equipment that uses water, such as your washing machine. These steps will help to stop water from coming in to the property
  • Try to avoid contact with flood water if possible, because it may be contaminated
  • Do not leave your home or enter flood water unless you are directly instructed to do so by the emergency services - Prepare

This website aims to increase public preparedness for emergencies by providing simple and effective advice.

Visit - Prepare

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