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Capital investment in street lighting

Published: 11/11/2016

Flintshire County Council’s Cabinet will consider a report aimed at saving money and improving street lighting in the county when it next meets on 15 November. As part of the Council’s continued commitment to upgrade its stock of over 20,000 street lights to more greener and energy efficient technologies, a bid will be submitted to Welsh Government for funding to upgrade over 12,000 street lighting units to more modern, LED lights over the next two years. LED lights reduce maintenance costs because of their extended life and use much less energy than conventional lighting and the introduction of these new lights will substantially improve Flintshire’s carbon footprint and reduce the energy bills and amount of carbon tax that the council has to pay. Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment, Councillor Bernie Attridge, said: ‘’I fully support the bid to Welsh Government and look forward to an early response so that work can commence to upgrade our lighting stock. The new lights will be more energy efficient and the expected longer life of the new units will substantially reduce the number of faults on the lighting network which will also improve road safety and save more money in the longer term. Because the new lights utilise a small proportion of the energy of the current units, the Council will avoid having to make difficult choices on the future of the street lighting services in future years and it will also allow the Council to review the residential areas where part-night lighting has been introduced in previous years. “The total value of the bid will be £3.2m and, if accepted by Welsh Government, the installations are due to commence in April 2017 and will be completed over a two-year phased programme. The lighting will be installed to achieve a specific level of brightness and illumination, which in most cases results in a visual improvement.”