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Its official! Flintshire County Council is three times Better Connected

Published: 15/06/2016

Flintshire County Councils website has been recognised three times in the national Better Connected Awards. In addition to picking up Best Welsh Unitary Authority and Best Rubbish and Recycling - Report a Missed Collection, the website has also received a 4 star rating. Better Connected is an independent assessment of over 400 council websites which is run on an annual basis by the Society of IT Management (SOCITM). Its main purpose is to identify best practice and help councils improve the quality of online experience for the millions of people visiting council websites to access information and services. A star rating of 1 - 4 is awarded based on a range of criteria including; user journey against a set of specific tasks, accessibility, mobility, usability and quality of content. For the first time, Flintshires website has been awarded 4 stars, the only Welsh website out of only 44 websites across the UK to achieve this standard. Council Leader, Councillor Aaron Shotton, said: This is excellent news. It represents a huge achievement and recognises the work of the Councils IT and Customer Service teams who are working closely together to improve the websites design, the quality of its information and the range of online services it offers. From the left: Jason Snead, Jake Selvester, Matthew Small, Cllr Peter Curtis, Mandy Humphreys, Colin Everett, Alan Holden, Gareth Owens