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Improvements announced for Flint road network
Published: 16/03/2020
Flintshire County Council is pleased to announce that Welsh Government has awarded funding from their Local Transport Fund to improve the highway network in Flint.
The scheme includes the upgrade to the existing traffic signals on the A548 / Church Street, increased parking facilities on the High Street, regulated parking around the Town Hall, cycleway improvements connecting key destinations and traffic regulation orders to improve highway safety.
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Countryside, Councillor Carolyn Thomas, said:
“This is a great project which will provide more accessible links to the active travel network in and around Flint, it will improve the flow of traffic on the A548 and provide additional free parking on Church Street. Despite continuing financial restraints, we are pleased to have secured funding for these improvements to our road network which demonstrates the importance of this to the Council.”
The Council apologises in advance for any delay and disruption that may be caused as a consequence of this work due to start on 23 March.