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Buckley placemaking public consultation

Published: 03/03/2025

Flintshire County Council will be holding drop-in sessions at Buckley Library where local people are being encouraged to help shape the future of the town.


Using UK Government Shared Prosperity Funds, the draft Place Making Plan has now been developed based on data, research and public opinion, and is now at final draft stage and is to be shared with the public for further consultation before being considered for adoption by the Council and its external partners.


This latest engagement will enable members of the public to see the draft plan, the key priorities that have been identified and the proposed approach to implementing the plan. The survey seeks to determine the public’s support of the priorities and the course of action to be taken.


Initial consultation activity began in 2023, with the public asked to share their perceptions of Buckley as part of a process to develop ‘Place Making Plans’ for seven town centres over the next 18 months. Following more than 2,300 responses to the online and in-person public consultation, work has been ongoing to develop the Place Making Plan for Buckley.


Local people will have the opportunity to participate in an in person drop-in feedback session. The sessions will be held in Buckley Library on:


Monday 10th March 2025: 10.00-17.00

Tuesday 11th March 2025: 09:00-18:00

Wednesday 12th March 2025: 09.00-17.00

Thursday 13th March 2025: 09:00-18:00

Friday 14th March 2025: 09.00-12.00


Flintshire County Council Regeneration team will be attending on Monday and Friday 10am to 12 noon, if you would prefer to speak direct to the team but there will be opportunity to fill out feedback surveys anytime within the Library’s opening times as above.


Place Making Plan activity is being led by Flintshire County Council’s Regeneration team in collaboration with a range of other council services and external partner organisations. This is in response to the Welsh Government’s request that all local authorities across Wales establish Place Making Plans for their towns. These plans are needed to ensure Welsh Government investment can be made available to support town centre regeneration projects in the future.


Place Making Plans will set out a future vision for each town, outline priorities that can help improve the overall vibrancy and attractiveness of the place and seek to address the needs of people who live, work and visit the towns. The development of the plans for each town creates opportunities for a range of stakeholders to work more collaboratively to deliver improvements.