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Environmental Enforcement review
Published: 17/12/2018
Flintshire’s Cabinet members will be asked to approve a future “enhanced in-house enforcement provision” for the environmental and car parking enforcement service, when they meet later this month.
Cabinet will also request officers commence discussions with neighbouring authorities, with the aim of moving towards a combined service in the future, which may provide financial benefits to allow additional frontline resources to be deployed.
Since the trial arrangement with our external providers ended at the end of August, the residual in-house enforcement officer team is currently undertaking all enforcement activities in the County. A report will be taken to Cabinet which identifies four possible options for the future delivery of the service – with the recommendation to approve option 2, following discussions at the Council’s Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The options are:
- In-house service maintained at current resource level
- Enhanced in-house service provision
- Collaboration with neighbouring authorities
- Engage another business partner
Following the roll out of the car park strategy across Flintshire, the demand for patrolling and enforcement activities significantly increased. This was also at a time when the Council had introduced a zero tolerance policy on littering, dog fouling and fly tipping, which also required additional enforcement resources.
Fllintshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Countryside, Councillor Carolyn Thomas, said:
“Given the current financial position and to ensure that we have the most efficient and cost effective service, we are recommending that the enhanced in-house approach is taken forward at this time. The funding for any additional posts will be found from the income from Fixed Penalty Notices and the outcome of discussions with neighbouring Councils, to explore collaborative options for a combined service.”