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Visit of Cabinet Secretary for Education to local school
Published: 04/10/2018

AM Kirsty Williams Cabinet Secretary for Education visits St Richard Gwyn High School in Flint – Pupils talk to Kirsty Williams with the head teacher, Paul Heitzman, and Cabinet Member for Education and Youth, Councillor Ian Roberts, looking on.
Group photo of Kirsty Williams with St Richard Gwyn students, John Callan - Chair of Governors, Claire Homard – FCC Chief Officer for Education and Youth, Cllr Roberts and Mr Heitzman
Kirsty Williams, Welsh Education Minister visited St Richard Gwyn High School in Flint on 4 October.
The visit is to show the excellent work being undertaken following the rapid progress of St Richard Gwyn out of Estyn Special Measures in just four terms.
Head teacher, Mr Paul Heitzman, said:
“St Richard Gwyn was very proud to welcome Kirsty Williams today. She had the opportunity to meet our students, staff, governors and diocesan representatives, which she clearly enjoyed, and to share with them her clear and exciting vision for the future of education in Wales.
“The school was also very pleased to welcome many of the leaders of Flintshire County Council. It was our chance to thank them for their important contribution to the rapid progress St Richard Gwyn has made in recent years.
“To everyone here, the visit celebrated the growing sense of powerful partnerships here in Flintshire between schools and with the Council and GwE, the regional improvement service. These partnerships will serve us well in the challenging but exciting years ahead for St Richard Gwyn and for education in Wales.”
Flintshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Youth, Councillor Ian Roberts, said:
“I’d like to add my congratulations to St Richard Gwyn Catholic High School’s achievement. The school continues to make fantastic progress and I am sure that the dedication, hard-work and commitment of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Wrexham, the teaching and support staff, students, parents and the governing body will ensure that the school will go from strength to strength.”
Kirsty Williams said during her visit:
“It was a pleasure to visit Ysgol Richard Gwyn today and to find out more about the school’s journey of improvement. I was very impressed by the way the teachers and the students have really stepped up to the mark, and pulled together so that the school can reach its full potential.
“The work accomplished here at Ysgol Richard Gwyn is a great example of partnership between the Council, schools and governing bodies. This partnership continues to support and improve education in the County and that is a great achievement.”