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Phase 2 Speed Limit Review Update

Published: 13/09/2018

Flintshire County Council’s Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be asked to note the progress made to date on the Phase 2 Speed Limit Review when it meets later this month. 

They will also be asked to support the amended legal process in order move the delivery of a Single Consolidated Order forward.  This Order will ensure that speed limit orders in the County are both appropriate and legal and will also clarify which councillor requests for revised speed limits in their wards were supported by Department for Transport (DfT) National criteria.

The task of advertising all speed limits in the County (both existing and proposed) is huge and to make it simpler, the Council has worked on developing a modern map based schedule (rather than the historic method of written schedules).  This is now finished and includes individual Map Books for various locations, so members of the public can easily locate areas of interest.

A further survey has been undertaken to accurately record the extent of all street lighting on both 60mph and 30mph speed limits which will enable officers to determine which speed limits are regulated by “default of Street Lighting” and which will need to be regulated by an order.

It is anticipated that the Single Order will be advertised early in 2019.

For Councillor requests that were supported by DfT Criteria, the Council will speed up advertising the 15 proposed speed limits in November 2018, except the A5119 Northop Road, Flint Mountain which will be advertised this month (September 2018).

Once the single Consolidated Order is in place, a five year review of all existing speed limits in the County (with the exception of the areas already examined within Councillor requests) will be carried out to ensure that they comply with the DfT Criteria with any revisions being made via an amendment to the main Consolidation Order.

Cllr. Carolyn Thomas, Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Countryside said;

“Inaccuracies existed within some of the current speed limit Orders due to changes to features of the highway network which were used to locate the start and end of some of the original Orders.

“In moving towards a single consolidated speed limit Order we can simplify a previously over complicated process and make more effective use of resources to address the current inaccuracies.

“The creation of an electronic map based system will play a key role in moving away from the archaic written Order process, allowing the Authority’s speed limits to be both viewed and advertised within a simple and easy to understand map based format.”