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Home to school transport policy review

Published: 15/06/2018

Later this month, Flintshire County Council’s Cabinet will be asked to consider potential changes to discretionary home to school transport and to approve a consultation on transport policy change. The Council’s home to school transport policy is made up of both statutory requirements from the Welsh Government and discretionary transport provision above these requirements. The discretionary elements of the policy include the following: ? Welsh Medium provision – at November 2017 this was costing £490k for 720 pupils, but pursuing any efficiency savings in this area could potentially contravene a number of national and local policies. ? Post 16 - at November 2017, for around1500 college students the cost was £760k per year and 430 sixth form pupils accessed this at a cost of £190K per year. ? Transport provision to denominational schools - at November 2017, 720 pupils accessed this at a cost of £435k per year. Options available for each of the above are as follows: ? Option 1: No change ? Option 2: Proposal to consult on applying a charge ? Option 3: Proposal to consult to cease transport to Welsh medium schools unless the nearest school to the pupil’s home address. The fourth discretionary area is benefits entitlement – for secondary school pupils whose parents are in receipt of Income Support or Working Tax Credit. Flintshire is the only council in Wales to retain this entitlement. Flintshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Youth, Councillor Ian Roberts, said: “Any changes in transport policy would require consultation and would require Cabinet to consider the views of key stakeholders in their consideration and determination at a future Cabinet meeting. Additionally, an implementation period is required which would result in the earliest implemented of any proposed changes being September 2020.”