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Cabinet considers the Council’s positive annual progress
Published: 18/05/2018
Cabinet Members will be asked to consider a report which covers performance and
achievements against the measures, milestones and risks set out in the Council
Plan for 2017/18 when they meet on Tuesday, 22 May.
The Council Plan 2017/23 was adopted by the Council in September 2017.
Flintshire County Council has performed well during the last financial year and
proves once again that it is a high performing Council. This is another
positive report with 83% of activities being assessed as having made good
progress and 71% having achieved the desired outcome. Performance indicators
show good progress with 57% meeting or near to period target. Risks are also
being successfully managed with the large majority being assessed as moderate
(63%), minor (8%) or insignificant (6%).
Leader of the Council, Councillor Aaron Shotton, said:
“Through the Council Plan, we prioritise areas and services that are important
to our community. It is monitored throughout the year to assess whether we are
going to hit our targets. Despite these unprecedented and challenging financial
times, this Council continues to be a high performing organisation, and I am
pleased that we have many achievements to be extremely proud of.”
Some of those achievements include:
· Successful establishment of an employee owned and charitable company, Aura,
to manage leisure, libraries and heritage services in the county from 1
September 2017. Since that time, they have retained services and jobs while
making a 10% efficiency in the budget in 2017/18 (full year impact of
£0.574m). In addition, two major capital developments, at Mold Leisure Centre
and the Jade Jones Pavilion in Flint, worth £2.4m will be completed this year
funded by Aura at no cost to the Council or Flintshire residents.
· Continuation of building new council homes by expanding the programme to
Leeswood, Mold and Flint with 95 social and affordable homes built during
2017/18 with a further 31 units completed during April 2018.
· Continuation of improvements to council houses with over £19m invested in
2017/18. The team installed 1,000 new kitchens, 1,500 new bathrooms, 100
central heating & boiler replacements and 250 homes received roofing other
exterior improvements.
· The 21st Century Schools programme continues with a major development of
Connah’s Quay High School and a brand new junior school being built in
Penyffordd to replace the current infant and junior schools.
· Overall 2017/18 has seen 211 new business enquiries resulting in the creation
of 2,341 jobs and five new social enterprises. 3,746 business people engaged
with Flintshire in Business and Business Forums during the year. The
proportion of business enquiries converting into investment continues to remain
high at 89%, showing that Flintshire is a great place to do business.
· Over 620 people completed programmes commissioned by the Council which
deliver job and training outcomes.
· Llys Raddington in Flint is nearing completion and will provide 72 units for
extra care.
· Universal Credit is one of the most significant welfare reforms introduced to
date and Flintshire Connects have played a key part in the provision of support
to those affected, dealing with 3,340 enquiries since its introduction in April
· Securing funding for a new Household Recycling Centre (HRC) to serve Flint
and Connah’s Quay and improvements made to other HRCs in the County.
Resources continue to be challenging but, despite this, the Council has been
able to set a balanced budget for 2018/19 by applying the Medium Term Financial
Strategy (MTFS) solutions and taking a balanced risk approach to managing cost
pressures and fluctuations during the year.
Performance across the Council continues to be strong; over 57% of measures met
or exceeded targets and half of all indicators which could be measured against
last year remained stable or continued to improve.
Flintshire County Council’s Chief Executive, Colin Everett, said:
Despite intense funding pressures, and reductions in national funding,
Flintshire has been creative and successful in achieving its aims for another
year. Some projects are finished, some are on-going and will move into next
year as Flintshire continues to reach and surpass its targets despite the
continuing economic challenges.”