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Exciting times for Flintshire transport

Published: 14/03/2018

Flintshire County Council’s Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be provided with an overview of the work which is ongoing to deliver the Council’s Integrated Transport solution when it meets next week. This fully integrated transport arrangement has been adopted as a key element of the North East Wales Metro, which is being promoted by Welsh Government, who are providing significant capital funding for the scheme. Flintshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Transportation, Councillor Carolyn Thomas, said: “Deeside Industrial Park has 400 businesses and employs 9,000 people. It is one of the largest industrial estates in Wales and a key economic driver for the region. There are jobs available but it can be difficult for people to access them. Congestion is a problem and it can take an unacceptable amount of time getting on and off the Park for employees as well as goods and services. “This Plan is really exciting for the County. It will integrate all modes of transport and cater for the demands of each whilst maintaining and promoting at its heart a sustainable, affordable and environmentally friendly public transport service to benefit the region as a whole. “It will include a network of dedicated cycle-ways serving all main businesses on Deeside Industrial Park, a rail/road/bus hub providing access to the park from the new proposed Deeside Parkway station which is hoped will be constructed adjacent to the existing A548, the provision of a regular shuttle bus service throughout the park, a bus/train hub at Shotton Station, a shuttle bus hub at Garden City and improved bus journey times along the Shotton/Flint corridor. Work has already started on the cycle-ways and bus measures throughout Zone 3 of the Park, with further work on car parking infrastructure planned to start over the next few months.” The project highlights what can be achieved when the Council works closely with Welsh Government and local businesses to come up with solutions that will aid the long term development of the whole area and protect the jobs of the people who work there. The immediate area around Deeside Industrial Park has been the subject of a number of recent studies, all of which concluded that one of the main factors limiting further growth is the poor transport links into and around the park and the intention of the scheme is to provide the residents of Flintshire and the wider region with easy access to this key employment hub in a sustainable and cost effective way.