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Tenant Satisfaction Survey

Awaiting outcomes

Responses are being analysed and will be published here in due course

Housing Services are undertaking a full census survey of all our tenants to gauge their views on the range of services we provide and what they feel about their homes neighbourhoods in which they live.

We are obligated to report on some key findings to Welsh Government which is then publicly reported alongside the results of all other Local Authority landlords and RSLs from across Wales.

Listening to the views of our tenants is an important part of our work. Unless we ask, how do we know that we are providing services to our tenants that are of a high quality and that meet their needs.

A full census survey will be undertaken where every tenant will get to have their say. They can complete our comprehensive survey either online, by post or on the telephone.

The Survey will be open until 24th January 2025. The results will then be analysed and full reports will be available from February 2025.

We will use the results of the survey to improve our services. We will be feeding back to our tenants in a range of ways once we have the full results.

Go to Survey

  • Important dates
  • Opened: 10/11/2024

    Closed: 24/01/2024

  • Contact details
  • Housing and Communities


    Phone: 01352 701504