Young People's Counselling Service (YPCS)

Counselling gives you a regular and confidential space to talk about worries or problems you are experiencing. Having thoughts, feelings and worries listened to, clarified and understood by someone who is not directly involved in your problems or concerns can be hugely beneficial. This can lead to changes in how you feel about yourself and your relationships with others. Counselling can also help you to see the different choices you have for moving forwards. Sometimes just ‘talking things through’ can help you to feel clearer or more confident about something which you already have in mind.
As Counsellors our role is not to give advice or tell you what to do. Instead we support you in making your own choices which can lead to personal growth and becoming more self-aware.
We will offer you 6 sessions, one session per week and then review how the process is for you. You are free to end counselling at any point before then, could you please just inform the counsellor or a teacher at school if you prefer.
If for any reason an appointment is missed, you will be offered another appointment. If two consecutive appointments are missed and we do not hear from you (or a teacher on your behalf) we will assume that you no longer wish to come for counselling. You are free to return at any time in the future and this is clearly explained during your first session.
Our Service is open to all Young People in Flintshire from Years 6-13, Pupil Referral Units (PRUs), Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETs), Specialist Schools, Travellers and Educated Other Than At School (EOTAS).
In order for you to feel completely safe and trust us to help with your concerns, it is essential for confidentiality to be maintained. Confidentiality also supports you in wanting to change behaviour and be completely honest about some of the more difficult feelings in life, such as sadness, anxiety, fear, shame or anger.
However confidentiality will be broken if we deem you to be at significant risk of harm to yourself or others during the course of Counselling. In these cases, we will speak to the designated Link Teacher in school and/or Child Protection Officer and agree the next steps, together with you (wherever possible). This could mean a referral onto other external services such as Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), informing parents/carers or other actions to ensure your care and safety.
It is not a decision we take lightly, as Counsellors, along with other professionals we continue to balance your rights with the duty of child protection and to act in the best interests of you as Young People.
If you are assessed as being ‘Gillick competent’ you have the legal right to ask us not to tell parents or carers that you are accessing counselling and this will be respected.
Gillick competence is a term originating in England and is used in medical law to decide whether a child (16 years or younger) is able to consent to his or her own medical treatment, without the need for parental permission or knowledge.
In terms of counselling it is being competent enough mentally and emotionally to understand the process of counselling and what it entails. Of course, you are free to tell whoever you wish that you are engaging in counselling.
During the first session we will always explain the boundaries of confidentiality and check that you fully understood in what circumstances confidentiality would need to be broken. There will be an opportunity to ask any questions before counselling takes place.
We are an enthusiastic group of counsellors looking to make a positive difference in the lives of Young People across Flintshire. We appreciate the added effect that Covid 19 and the various lockdowns have had on mental health.
We deal with a wide arrange of issues and difficulties such as:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Bullying
- Bereavement
- Exam Stress
- Gender and sexuality
- Mild to moderate self –harm
- Behavior difficulties
We all hold a recognized, formal qualification in Counselling, such as a Diploma or a Degree, plus a range of appropriate experience and training to work with you. YPCS counsellors are also members of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), engage in regular training and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and work with BACP’s Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling & Psychotherapy (
In addition, we receive regular, ongoing Clinical Supervision. This is where we meet with another counsellor, who is our Supervisor. We discuss our caseload during Supervision and receive support and guidance to keep improving how we work with you.
We work with the school Link Teacher, who is a designated member of school staff who has agreed to take responsibility for and be the point of contact for school-based Counselling. The link teacher will book the appointments taking into consideration your timetable so core subjects aren’t missed each week.
“It has made me realise that I can do more than what I thought I could.”
“I challenge my thoughts now.”
“It's made me realise that I don't have to have keep everything to myself, I can share it with someone who really understands.”
“It has made me more positive and made me feel personally stronger about my own opinions.”
“It has made me more open to talk to my family about struggles, which is a big difference for me.”
“In counselling, I have been able to talk about my struggles in school, knowing that it is confidential and won't get back to anyone at all.”
“I used to walk around with a frown but now I smile. I can't thank you enough, thank you so much"
“If something goes wrong, I feel like I know how to cope and deal with it now.”
You or your Parent/carer can make a referral.
Please start your message with YPCS and send your Name, Date of Birth and School to:
- Email -
- Text message (free) - 80800
You will then be put on to the Waiting list for a counselling appointment.
Please be aware that counselling waiting time is likely to be within 8-12 weeks. We are doing our best to offer an appointment as soon as a space becomes available.
These are NOT emergency contact details. If you need to talk to someone quickly please call Childline on 0800 1111 or talk to a member of staff at school.