Retrospective approval
Occasionally building work may have taken place that should have obtained building regulation consent. Retrospective consent may be obtained if the work was carried out after 11 November 1985, by making an application for a Regularisation certificate.
Regularisation Certificate Application Form and Guidance Notes
What do I need to include?
- Application forms
- A "before" plan of the property
- A plan of the unauthorised work
- A plan showing any additional work required, to ensure that the unauthorised work complies with the requirements of the building regulations, that were in force at the time the works were carried out, and
- A regularisation fee
What will it cost?
You will pay a regularisation charge to cover the cost of assessing your application and all inspections. The fee is 150% of the total of the plan and inspection charge shown in the document below (VAT is not payable).
List of Building Regulation Fees and Guidance Notes
What happens next?
Building Control, after accepting the application may require the applicant to take steps to secure the relevant requirements of the building regulations are met. These may include:
- laying open the unauthorised work for inspection by the authority, or
- making tests, or
- taking samples, or
- providing additional information.
A Regularisation certificate will be provided if we are satisfied that:
- The relevant requirements have been satisfied, or
- No work is required to secure that the contravening work satisfies the relevant requirements.
A Regularisation Certificate is evidence but not conclusive evidence that the relevant requirements specified in the certificate have been complied with.