Holywell’s lasting legacy aspirations given major boost by government funding
A Flintshire town’s mission to create a legacy in the community and enhance public perception has been boosted by UK Government funding.
Holywell’s plans to enhance its offering have been sparked by Flintshire County Council’s Town Centre Investment Programme.
This project has received £1,500,432 from the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). With this support, the town has raised its profile with some eye-catching initiatives.
Utilising the programme’s Town Centre Activities and Events Grant, Holywell has been able to stage a trio of festivals and make significant enhancements as part of its Gateway Project.
Cadi Ha, commemorating Welsh folk music and dance, the Well Inn, which comprised music and an artisan market, and the inaugural Holywell Food and Drink Festival have all been held in 2024.
More than 250 people attended the latter, which is set to continue as an annual celebration.
Building on the success of those events, the community has been brought together across more than a dozen activity sessions to enhance Tower Gardens.
Seen by many as one of the entrances into the town centre, children and pupils from Ysgol Treffynnon, local businesses, and members of the public have been developing two existing green spaces.
A mural depicting Holywell’s notable landmarks from the docks to the hillside, including Greenfield Valley, Basingwerk Abbey, St Winefride’s chapel and holy well, and St James’ Church, has been created, as has a Covid memorial.
The area commemorates those who lost their lives during the pandemic, whilst offering opportunities for either quiet reflection or the chance for social interaction.
A landscaped garden will improve existing green space with the planting of blossom trees and the installation of bird and bat boxes and bug habitats.

Flintshire County Council Project Development Officer Sian Birch said: “The developments have made a real difference in the town.
“There is a real sense of pride and place as a result of the work undertaken as part of the Town Centre Activities and Events Grant. “
From people learning new skills to increasing footfall in Holywell, it has been wonderful to see the community unite.”
Other schemes the town has benefited from as result of the UKSPF support, include:
- Town Centre Property Improvement Grant:
Turning the former Chatwins into a retail space with holiday accommodation above.
- Feasibility Studies for Future Investment:
Safer Streets 5 co-funded exploring the creation of a community hub to help reduce anti-social behaviour, whilst Greenfield Visionary Study looks into connecting the surrounding land.
- Investment in green spaces:
The planting of five trees in one or more schools across the town.
- Promotion and engagement for markets: A markets engagement and promotion officer has been employed to improve the current offering.
- Place Making:
In line with the Welsh Government’s expectation of Place Making Plans, the strategy for Holywell identifies the key aims, objectives, vision, and priorities to inform future development work and opportunities for regeneration investment.
- Business support:
Eight businesses in Holywell are taking part in an eight-week programme run by Save The High Street, which provides a ‘health check’ and explores development and growth.
Martin Fearnley, deputy/assistant town clerk at Holywell Town Council, is equally pleased with the improvements made.
He said: “It has been fantastic to see the developments being made in Holywell, and the boost that it has had on the community.
“There is a vibrancy around the town and long may it continue.”
Councillor Chris Dolphin, Flintshire County Council cabinet member for economy, environment, and climate, added: “Holywell is an important pillar of the county, so to see the rejuvenation taking place is incredibly pleasing.
“The changes made have been eye-catching to say the least, and it’s great that improvements continue to be made.
“I look forward to seeing the impact the funding has made when everything is finalised.”