When we work out Council Tax, we assume that two people, aged 18 or over, live in most properties. Some people are ‘disregarded’ for Council Tax purposes. This means that we will not count them for Council Tax purposes when we decide how many people, aged 18 or over, live in your property.
For example if there are two adults in a property and one of them is a disregarded person, the Council Tax charge is calculated as if only one adult is living in the property and a 25% discount would apply. Equally, if there is only one adult living in the property then a 25% discount would normally apply.
There are several different discounts available which we have summarised below.
Please download and return a completed application form.
Single Person Discount
If you are the only adult living in a property you may be entitled to a 25% discount. Please complete our online Single Persons discount form
If someone over 18 joins your household or someone in the household reaches the age of 18 please use our online form to let us know.
Disregarded Person Discounts
There are several types of these which we have summarised below.
Persons in Detention
This discount applies to a person who normally lives in your property but is detained in a prison, hospital or other place of detention for any reason other than for non-payment of Council Tax.
Complete our online form
Severely Mentally Impaired
A person considered to be severely mentally impaired will be disregarded for Council Tax purposes.
Download an application form
Persons in Respect of Whom Child Benefit is Payable
This discount applies where a person is 18 but entitlement to child benefit continues to be paid for them.
Complete our online application form.
School and College Leavers
People aged 18 or 19 who leave school or finish a course at a further education college after 30 April in any year are disregarded for discount purposes until the 1 November of that year.
Complete Our Online Form
Full time students are disregarded for discount purposes during any period in which they fall within the definition of a student.
Complete our online application form
Student Nurses
Student nurses are disregarded if they are following a course leading to an appropriate registration as a nurse, midwife or health visitor.
Download an application form
Apprentices earning no more than £195 per week gross can be disregarded for discount purposes during any period in which they fall within the definition of an apprentice.
Complete our online form
Youth Training Trainees
Youth trainees under 25 years old and undertaking training through appropriate employment are disregarded for Council Tax purposes.
Complete our online form.
Hospital Patients
People whose sole residence is in a National Health Service hospital or registered care home will be disregarded for Council Tax purposes.
Download an application form
Patients in Homes
A person whose sole residence is in a residential care home, nursing home, mental nursing home or hostel in England or Wales, and who is receiving care or treatment in a home or hostel is disregarded for Council Tax purposes.
Download an application form.
Carers are disregarded for Council Tax purposes, provided they satisfy the conditions of the definition of a carer. Please ensure that you carefully read the definition of a carer on the application form before applying.
Complete our online form
Carer Workers
If you are a care worker providing care on behalf of an official or charitable body and earn no more than £44 per week from this employment, you may qualify for a discount.
Complete Our Online Form
Carer Leavers
Care leavers are disregarded if they are aged 18 - 25 and are no longer looked after by a local authority, but were looked after on, or at any subsequent time after their 16th birthday.
Download our application form
Members of Religious Communities
If a person is a member of a religious community whose principal occupation is prayer, contemplation, education, the relief of suffering, or any combination of these they may be disregarded for Council Tax purposes.
Complete Our Online Form
Disabled Banding Reduction
If you, or someone who lives in your household, needs an extra room or extra space in your home because of a disability, we may be able to give you a reduction in the amount of Council Tax that you pay.
A reduction may not apply just because the disabled person is registered as disabled. The criteria relates to the physical nature of your property.
Provided that it is essential or of major importance for the well-being of the disabled person who is resident in your property, a reduction may be granted if one of the following conditions applies:
- A room, other than a bathroom, kitchen or lavatory, is used mainly by the disabled person and is required for meeting their needs.
- An additional bathroom or kitchen is required to meet the needs of the disabled person.
- There is enough space for the use of a wheelchair where one needs to be used inside the property.
You do not have to have made any adaptations yourself to the property. Providing one of the above conditions applies, you may be entitled to a reduction.
It may be necessary for a Council tax inspector to visit the property, to confirm the adaptations that have been made to your property. The inspector will normally contact you in order to make an appointment. Please note all staff carry and provide identification.
If we give you a disabled band reduction we will charge you Council Tax at one band lower than your actual valuation band. For example, if your property is in band D you will be charged the band C rate. If your property is in band A, your reduction will be 1/9th of the charge for Band D in your area.
If you want to apply for a disabled banding reduction you can complete our online form.
Foster Carers
Foster Carers who are on the Council’s approved list of Local Authority Foster Carer’s will receive a 50% discount. The discount will awarded automatically.
Foster Carer’s who foster for Flintshire but who reside elsewhere and pay Council Tax at another local authority will be awarded financial assistance in the form of a monthly grant equivalent to a 50% discount in their council tax.
For more information about fostering for Flintshire County Council please click here.
Council Tax Reduction Scheme
If you are responsible for paying the Council Tax and you are on a low income, you may be able to get help with some or all of your Council Tax bill.
For more information and how to claim please visit our Council Tax Reduction Page.