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Household Recycling Centres - Tyres, Mattress and Asbestos Booking Information

From April 2023, Tyres will require a booking to be accepted at the Household Recycling Centre 

Household Recycling Centre Booking System

To dispose of  tyres, mattresses or asbestos at any of the Council Household Recycling Centres (HRC) you will be required to make a booking in advance.


Tyre bookings are being introduced at HRC to maintain skip capacity across all sites and prevent abuse by commercial companies and non-Flintshire residents. 

We will not accept Commercial, Agricultural or Plant tyres.

Why do I have to book Tyres?

Bookings are being introduced to discourage traders and businesses from using the Household Recycling Centres (HRC) which are strictly for Flintshire residents only. Booking also allows available capacity in the containers at our HRC to save wasted journeys

Why are you putting limits on this item?

Tyres are being limited to manage quantities and types of tyres being brought to sites. Most residents will use a garage to replace their car tyres; worn tyres then become the responsibility of the garage to dispose of correctly. 

Which tyres do you accept?

We accept domestic vehicle tyres, motor bike and cycle tyres.

We do not accept non -domestic tyres e.g, Commercial, Agricultural, or Plant tyres.

What can I do if I have more tyres than the amount allowed?

If you have more than the annual allowance of 4 tyres, you can either approach a garage who may accept them, wait until 12 months have passed to book online, or use a local waste contractor to legally dispose of them.  All e-form bookings are recorded against your address and vehicle.

Can I book my tyres at any of the Household Recycling Centres (HRC)?

Yes - unless you are using a van, trailer or pick up to carry the tyres, in which case a permit is required which is site specific.

If I have a van or trailer permit, can I use any HRC?

No, you will need to book for your permitted site which is printed on your permit.

Can I arrange a bulk collection for tyres?

No. Flintshire bulk collections do not include tyres.

What will happen if I’m late or I miss my scheduled day/time?

The timeslots are 1 hour long, if you miss this timeframe your booking will be invalid. You would need to contact Streetscene on 01352 701234 if you are looking to re-schedule.


  • Only domestic vehicle , motor bike or cycle tyres accepted 
  • A booking is to be completed 48 hours before required visit date.
  • A booking reference is required to be presented to site staff to allow disposal at the HRC
  • Restrictions are in place for the number of tyres brought to sites. Only four tyres will be accepted on one booking. 
  • Only one booking in a 12 month period is permitted.
  • If tyres are brought to site in a van /trailer or pick up, a valid permit is required to book ; the site chosen must be the site stated on your permit. 
  • Bookings can be made for any day of the week

Click to make a booking


  • Online booking to be completed 48 hours before required tipping date
  • A restriction is in place for the amount of waste coming in. Only one mattress will be accepted on one booking
  • Only two bookings per year is permitted
  • Disposal will be allowed at any one of the HRCs to ensure container availability
  • If being brought in a van/trailer then the driver must have a valid permit to book
  • Bookings can be made for any day of the week
  • A booking reference will be required be presented to site staff to allow entry to site

Click to make a booking


  • Online booking to be completed 48 hours before required tipping date
  • A restriction on the size of waste coming in. Asbestos will only be accepted if the waste fits in to the red bag provided. Bags can be collected in advance from a Connects Centre.
  • A restriction is in place for the amount of waste coming in. Only five red bags full will be accepted in one booking
  • Only one booking per year is permitted
  • Asbestos skips at both Greenfield and Buckley HRC can be used
  • If being brought in a van/trailer then the driver must have a valid permit to book.
  • FCC website provides information on the correct way to dispose of asbestos a booking is not permitted
  • Disposal is restricted to weekday only
  • A booking reference will be required be presented to site staff to allow entry to site

Click to make a booking

Flintshire County Council strongly advise residents to use a specialised contractor to safely remove and collect Asbestos for disposal if discovered on their premises

Limited quantities can be accepted at Buckley or Greenfield Household Recycling Centres if contained and sealed in a heavy duty red asbestos bag and an outer clear bag. The asbestos sacks are supplied from Flintshire Connects. You will need your reference number from Connects to allow the booking e-form to be submitted.

Please note - only one booking is available in 12 months, which is recorded when bookings are made.

Asbestos will NOT BE ACCEPTED if contained in any other wrappings, or if more than the stated quantity is brought to site. Asbestos cannot be bagged at the HRC. 


Asbestos must never be broken up, cut, sanded or drilled, as this releases highly irritant airborne fibres which are hazardous if inhaled.

Standard dust masks will not protect you from Asbestos fibres.

For further information about the risks associated with Asbestos, please take the time to visit

 * Disclaimer *

The issue of heavy duty bags to contain Asbestos does not infer or condone the breaking up of larger sheets to fit into the bags, which are available for small quantities.

Handling, transporting and unloading of Asbestos is at the individuals own risk.