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Licences and Permits

Apply online and access a range of information about licenses, registrations and permits

About licensing

How we work with, regulate and inspect businesses to protect the public and what enforcement action we can take.

Animal boarding establishments licence

If you run a boarding kennel or cattery, you need a licence

Animal feedstuffs licence

Businesses involved in the production of animal feedstuffs must be approved or registered with the local authority

Camping site licence

To allow public camping on your land, you require a licence

Caravan and camping site licence

To run a caravan and camping site you need a licence

Club premises certificate

To authorise the supply of alcohol and regulated entertainment in a qualifying club, you need a certificate

Consumer credit licence

Most businesses that offer credit or lend money to consumers, or allow customers time to pay for goods and services, must be licensed

Cooling tower notification

You must notify your local authority or district council of a cooling tower or evaporative condenser

Dangerous wild animals licence

Anyone who keeps a dangerous wild animal must be licensed to ensure that appropriate standards of animal welfare and public safety are maintained

Environmental permit

If you operate a regulated facility you must have an environmental permit

Events Organisers Guide

Organising an event, however small, can be a time consuming and daunting task. There are no hard and fast rules to organising a community event – but there are several things you can put in place to ensure that your event has every chance of being both a success and a rewarding experience.

Explosives licence

A licence or registration is required to store explosives including fireworks kept for the purpose of sale

Flintshire Landlord Forum

Flintshire Landlord Forum

Food premises approval

If you operate certain food premises you may need to be approved by your local authority

Food premises registration

To store, prepare, distribute or sell food you need to be registered

Gambling premises licence

Local authorities are responsible for a number of regulatory functions in relation to gambling

House to house collection permit

To make house-to-house collections in Wales for charitable purposes you need a licence

Hypnotism authorisation

If you perform hypnotism acts, you must be authorised

Landlord Accreditation Rent Smart Wales

Rent Smart Wales process landlord registrations and grant licences to landlords and agents who need to comply with the Housing (Wales) Act 2014

Licensing Register

See who holds licences and permits on Flintshire's public register

Mandatory Licencing of Houses in Multiple Occupation

If you rent out a property for house in multiple occupation (HMO), you may require a licence from your local authority

Occupation of the road in connection with building work

To temporarily deposit items in the street or make an excavation you must have consent

Performing animals registration

You must be registered to train or use performing animals

Pet shop license

To run a business selling pet animals you need a licence from the local authority. This includes all commercial selling of pet animals

Petroleum licence

To store and dispense petrol directly into the fuel tank of an internal combustion engine, you need a licence

Premises licence – alcohol and entertainment

To provide late-night refreshments, regulated entertainment, and sell alcohol, you need a licence

Private hire and hackney carriage

Private Hire Operator Licence, Private Hire & Hackney Carriage Drivers Licence, Private Hire Vehicle (Minicab) Licence & Hackney Carriage (Taxi) Licence

Residential Mobile Home Sites

Residential mobile home sites also known as park home sites must be licensed under the Mobile Homes (Wales) Act 2013

Riding establishment licence

To run a riding establishment you need a licence

Sex shop and cinema licence

To run a sex shop or place where explicit films are shown you need a licence

Skip operator licence

If you wish to place skips upon the adopted highway (the road plus any paved or grassed area) a permit is required from the Local Authority

Skip permit

To put a builder's skip on a public road, you need a permit

Sports stand safety certificate

If you operate a sports ground, you must have a safety certificate for any stand that holds more than 500 spectators

Street collection permit

To collect money or sell articles, you require a licence

Sunday trading

Information about Sunday trading for large and small shops

Tattooists, piercing and electrolysis registration

If you offer tattooing, electrolysis, acupuncture or skin/body piercing you must be registered.

Temporary event notice

If you wish to hold an ad-hoc event, you must give a temporary event notice to your local licensing authority

Temporary market, occasional sale or car boot sale authorisation

To hold a temporary market, occasional sale or car boot sale you need authorisation

Weighbridge operator's certificate

To operate a public weighbridge, you require a certificate of competence

Zoo licence

To run a zoo, you need a licence from the local authority