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View and comment on planning applications

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If you have a query please try and submit this via email directly to the officer. If you do not know the officer’s email address please use the following address:

  • For planning matters email
  • For building regulations email 
  • For highway development email 

You do not need to have received a letter from us or even live near the application site to comment on a planning application, anyone can send us their comments.

We encourage you to view the submitted plans and forms before you comment on an application.

Search for a Planning Application

Ideal if you want to:

  • Search by application reference number, address, decision status or date
  • Make a comment using our online form. Please register for a My Account to comment on a planning application and to use the full functionality of the Citizen Portal.
  • View important dates, plans, supporting documents and the decision notice
  • Track the progress of an application

Only applications that have been made ‘valid’ (i.e. contain all the required documents, fee and a complete application form) will be shown on our website.  If a recent application is not shown it may not be valid. 

View Planning Applications Map

Ideal if you want to:

  • Look for any applications submitted in your area/Ward rather than a specific application
  • Know the position of the site but don’t know the reference number or address etc
  • Want to view the site boundary and its relationship to surrounding properties or features

What issues or concerns can I raise?

The issues you raise must involve planning matters such as:

  • Impact on residential amenity (e.g. hours of use, loss of privacy, loss of light, over dominance, noise, traffic)
  • Impact on the character and appearance of an area (design, appearance and intensity)
  • Impact on highway safety (e.g. poor visibility, pedestrian safety, parking)
  • Impact on community facilities
  • Planning policies and proposals, or Government planning advice.

We cannot take into account comments on the following types of concerns:

  • Personal characteristics of the applicant
  • The effect of the proposal on property values
  • Disturbances during building work
  • Loss of view
  • Private rights of way, private drains and other private easements and legal covenants
  • Disputes over land ownership
  • Commercial competition
  • Building Regulation issues (e.g. structural stability, drainage, fire precautions, hygiene and internal space).

Data Protection

Please note that legally we must allow the public to see any comments we receive about planning applications. This means that we cannot treat any comments as confidential.

Please register for a My Account to comment on a planning application and to use the full functionality of the Citizen Portal.  If you send us a comment on a planning application we will collect your name, postal address and contact details (i.e. email address or phone number if provided) and in the interests of transparency your comment will be published on our website.

We will use your personal information to notify you about the progress of the planning application. If you provide your email address you will receive the notification by email.

We will not publish your name, phone number or email address online.

We will publish online:

  • your address
  • your comment, in full and unmoderated
  • You are responsible for the content of your comment. Please ensure that your comment does not contain any information you do not want to appear online (e.g. personal information), foul or abusive language, or inappropriate or defamatory comments.

If you are submitting types of information, comments or allegations which you think should be treated confidentially or specifically withheld from the public register in part or in full, please send them using one of the following methods:

  • Email:
  • By post:
    Planning Consultations, Tŷ Dewi Sant, St. Davids Park, Ewloe, CH5 3FF
  • You must make it clear that you would like the comment to be treated confidentially (e.g. by writing confidential in the email subject line or at the top of the letter) and include the reference number of the application you are commenting on.  If you do not clearly mark your comment as confidential it will be published on our website along with your address.

If you submit a comment marked as 'confidential' it will still be published on our website and held on the planning register, but we will amend your email/letter to remove your personal data and any special category data. This means that the content of your comment will be published online but your address will be amended and will not be published online (and your name, email address and phone number will also be amended as normal).

Please note that we do not respond to comments or to questions raised in them.

Other ways to view applications and submit comments

Current files are normally available within 5 working days. Non-current files ( where a decision has been made) are currently stored off-site and you will be advised when the file has been retrieved and is available to view. Weekly lists of applications received and decided can also be viewed.  

If you need to discuss your interest in a planning application in detail please make a prior appointment.

Simple queries, however, can often be dealt with by phone on the following number; 01352 703331

Write to us

You can write a letter to us at;

Head of Planning, Tŷ Dewi Sant, St. Davids Park, Ewloe, CH5 3FF.

You must include the following information in your letter / email. Failure to do so may result in your comments not being taken into account.

  • Site address of application
  • Description of proposal
  • Application number (if known)
  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your comments about the proposal

The inclusion of your telephone number is not a mandatory requirement, however, should a Planning Officer wish to contact you it would be useful.

You can also send us an email at;

As stated above, you must include certain information in your email.