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Check your bin day

From Monday 28 April 2025, your recycling and non-recyclable waste collections are changing

Before the changes take place where you live, we’ll deliver an information pack to your home and a calendar showing your new collection dates.

The new calendars will also be available to download below soon.

Changes to Bin Collections

Garden Waste (Brown Bin) Collections

As many residents don't use the garden waste collection service during the winter months, brown bin waste will not be collected during the months of January and February.

Garden Waste

Where should I place my bins for collection?

Place your bin at the kerbside by 7am on the morning of your collection within one metre of the curtilage or boundary of your property (i.e. where your property meets the footway/road).  You can place them out the night before if this is more convenient. They must be accessible to the crews without the need to open gates etc.  Where this is not possible the containers should be placed on the footway/verge outside the property without obstructing the footway or road.  The collection point for householders with long private drives will be the point where their drive meets the adopted highway (footway/road).  Where appropriate, separate arrangements will be made with our Recycling Team for a specific collection point for flats, properties with narrow access or hard to reach properties.

Calendar and collection day search

Collections will take place as normal on Bank Holidays, except on Christmas Day and Boxing Day.  Major service disruptions (e.g. due to bad weather/fuel shortages) will be communicated on our website.